File Uploads
Some Healthie API mutations provide support for uploading files. While it’s not natively supported by the Apollo Client, it can be achieved by using third-party libraries like apollo-upload-client.
Alternatively, here’s a curl command to upload the image as a base64 string:
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Basic API_KEY' \ --header 'AuthorizationSource: API' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "query": "mutation createDocument($file: String) { createDocument(input: { rel_user_id: "10", share_with_rel: true, file_string: $file, display_name: "example.pdf" }) { document { id } } }", "variables": { "file": "" }, "operationName": "createDocument" }'
Healthie API uses the Upload
type for fields that support file uploads.
For implementation details, please refer to the documentation of the GraphQL upload library of your choice.