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As per the GraphQL Best Practices, Healthie’s API is not versioned. We avoid breaking changes, and old API clients will continue to work. This is possible since GraphQL only returns the data that’s explicitly requested. New capabilities can be added to Healthie’s API via new types and new fields on those types without creating a breaking change.

In short, one way to think of a breaking change is as such, a breaking change is one that, given no change to account data, changes the returned values of a query or mutation.

Examples of changes we would consider breaking (and so would not make):

  • Removing a field
  • Changing the return type of a field
  • Changing an input argument default (e.g changing a query to be default unpaginated versus paginated)

Examples of changes we do not consider breaking (and so would make)

  • Adding new queries and mutations
  • Adding an optional new input field to an existing query or mutation
  • Adding a new filter or sort_by option to an existing input field
  • Adding new and updated data to Healthie-provided resource queries (e.g Insurance Plans or Icd Codes)
  • Fixing an internal server error (e.g a 500)