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Payment Processing

Storing a Credit Card

mutation createStripeCustomerDetail(
$token: String # e.g tok_1JjpBZ2eZvKYlo2CdI1Qwgf7
$card_type_label: String # e.g 'personal'
$user_id: ID # e.g "61"
$is_default: Boolean # e.g true
) {
input: {
token: $token
card_type_label: $card_type_label
user_id: $user_id
is_default: $is_default
) {
stripe_customer_detail {
messages {

Healthie (via our usage of Stripe) allows you to store a patient’s credit/debit cards on file. You can store multiple cards on file for the same patient. There are two main ways to store a card. The first way happens automatically when a patient makes a payment (see “Charging a Patient” below). The second is via the createStripeCustomerDetail mutation. That mutation takes in 4 input fields - card_type_label, is_default, token, and user_id. Let’s go over each one.

user_id is the ID of the patient that the card should be attached to. This is required.

token is the tokenized card information. You generate this via Stripe’s front-end libraries and can find info on how to do so here. This is required. To generate the token, you’ll need Healthie’s Stripe publishable key for the appropriate environment:

Staging / sandbox: pk_test_fAj7WlTrG0uc5Z9WHKQDdoTq Production: pk_live_WzFpsrfurxhcz0HJspt9nbnn

card_type_label lets you store the type of card. Options are personal, hsa, and fsa. Defaults to personal if nothing is passed in. The card_type_label field is just for your own informational purposes, and does not affect how payments are processed.

is_default sets the default payment source for the patient. If the patient only has one stored payment source, that payment source is automatically the default, so this field only matters for patients with multiple payment sources.

Charging a Patient

mutation createBillingItem(
$amount_paid: String # e.g "567.53"
$sender_id: ID # e.g "61"
$requested_payment_id: ID # e.g 11
$stripe_idempotency_key: String # Stripe reccommends using V4 UUIDs
$stripe_customer_detail_id: ID # e.g 21
$should_charge: Boolean # true
) {
input: {
amount_paid: $amount_paid
sender_id: $sender_id
should_charge: $should_charge
stripe_customer_detail_id: $stripe_customer_detail_id
requested_payment_id: $requested_payment_id
stripe_idempotency_key: $stripe_idempotency_key
) {
billingItem {
messages {

Patients make payments in two ways. You can charge a patient from a provider/staff account (via the createBillingItem mutation) or patients can make payments themselves (via completeCheckout mutation). In this example, we will cover how to charge a patient using createBillingItem. Only patients with a stored payment source can be charged using createBillingItem. Take a look at “Storing a Credit Card” above if you are not yet storing payment sources.

80: Check out Creating a Billing Item or Creating an Invoice for further reference.

One-time vs. recurring payments

A client will automatically be billed on a recurring basis (a RecurringPayment will be created) given all of the following conditions:

  • The BillingItem is associated with an Offering (also known as a “package” in Healthie) that has a billing_frequency value that is not “One-Time”
  • You do not pass a payment_due_date parameter to the createBillingItem mutation

A client will be billed only once given any of the following conditions:

  • The BillingItem is associated with an Offering that does not have a billing_frequency value, or if the billing_frequency value is “One-Time”
  • The BillingItem is not associated with an Offering at all
  • You pass a payment_due_date parameter to the createBillingItem mutation with the current day’s date

How to halt a recurring payment

If you want to pause or stop a RecurringPayment via the API, you can use the updateBillingItem mutation. To pause the RecurringPayment, pass the parameter is_paused: true. To stop the RecurringPayment, pass the parameter is_canceled: true. You can pass the ID of any BillingItem that is part of the RecurringPayment.