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Filled Out Forms

Filled Out Forms

Creating a Filled Out Form (e.g a chart note, or intake form)

mutation createFormAnswerGroup(
# Should almost always true
$finished: Boolean
# ID of the custom_module_form (e.g "100")
$custom_module_form_id: String
# ID of the patient (e.g "61")
$user_id: String
# e.g [{custom_module_id: "1", answer: "foo", user_id: "61"}, {custom_module_id: "2", answer: "bar", user_id: "61"}]
$form_answers: [FormAnswerInput!]!
) {
input: {
finished: $finished
custom_module_form_id: $custom_module_form_id
user_id: $user_id
form_answers: $form_answers
) {
form_answer_group {
messages {

In the Healthie API, a filled-out form is known as a FormAnswerGroup. The most important fields when creating a FormAnswerGroup are user_id, custom_module_form_id, finished, form_answers. Let’s go over each one.

user_id is the ID of the patient who the form is on. When you create a FormAnswerGroup for a patient, that will be visible on the patient’s chart.

custom_module_form_id is the ID of the template (known as a CustomModuleForm) that the FormAnswerGroup completes. All filled-out forms need to be backed by a CustomModuleForm. These are the templates that you can create, view, and edit in the Form Builder in Healthie.

finished is a Boolean value. This needs to be passed in as true for the form to be visible in the patient’s chart and when you query for formAnswerGroups. If you do not pass in finished (or pass it in as false), you will need to query the formAnswerGroup by its ID.

form_answers is an array containing all the individual answers. Each submitted form answer needs to have a custom_module_id, user_id, and an answer. The user_id should match the user_id of the FormAnswerGroup. The custom_module_id should be the ID of the question (known as a CustomModule) that is being answered. The answer (as the name suggests) is the answer to the question.

Those fields are used in a createFormAnswerGroup mutation to create the filled-out form. Please see the right sidebar for an example.

This mutation triggers a form_answer_group.created webhook event.

Querying Filled Out Forms

query formAnswerGroups(
$date: String # e.g "2021-10-29"
$custom_module_form_id: ID # e.g "11"
) {
formAnswerGroups(date: $date, custom_module_form_id: $custom_module_form_id) {
form_answers {
custom_module {

To retrieve filled out forms, you can use the formAnswerGroups query. You can view all the argument options here but lets go over some of the most important ones below.

filler_id is the ID of the user who filled out the form. For example, you can use this argument to see all forms filled out by a given provider.

user_id is the ID of the patient whose chart the filled out form is in.

custom_module_form_id is the ID of the form template that was filled out. This can be helpful to use to see all filled out answers for a specific template (e.g you want to see all filled out “Health History” forms)

date refers to the date the form was filled out (or the date of service in the case of chart notes).

On the right, you can find an example of a simple query that returns filled out form data for a given form template and day.