For more information on the Medication History feature in general, visit our help center.
The Medication object
{ "id": "232132", "active": true, "comment": "Only when necessary", "directions": "Inhale and hold", "dosage": "55 mcg/inh", "name": "Nasal spray"}
Medications are Medication
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Medications
query medications($active: Boolean, $patient_id: ID) { medications(active: $active, patient_id: $patient_id) { id name active directions dosage code start_date end_date }}
Listing Medications is done via the medications
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
active | Optional. Fetch only active Medications. |
patient_id | Optional. ID of the Patient to fetch Medications for. If omitted, will return Medications for the current User. |
Returns a list of Medication objects.
Creating a Medication
mutation createMedication( $active: Boolean $comment: String $directions: String $dosage: String $end_date: String $name: String $start_date: String $user_id: String) { createMedication( input: { active: $active comment: $comment directions: $directions dosage: $dosage end_date: $end_date name: $name start_date: $start_date user_id: $user_id } ) { medication { id name dosage comment } messages { field message } }}
To add a Medication to a Patient, use createMedication
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
user_id | Required. ID of the Patient. |
name | Required. Name of the Medication. |
active | Optional. Whether the Patient still takes the Medication. |
dosage | Optional. Medication dosage. |
comment | Optional. Additional comment. |
start_date | Optional. Start date of taking the Medication. For example: July 16, 2023 . |
end_date | Optional. End date of taking the Medication. For example: July 16, 2023 . Does not apply if active is set to true . |
Returns a createMedicationPayload
Updating a Medication
mutation updateMedication( $id: ID $active: Boolean $comment: String $directions: String $dosage: String $end_date: String $name: String $start_date: String) { updateMedication( input: { id: $id active: $active comment: $comment directions: $directions dosage: $dosage end_date: $end_date name: $name start_date: $start_date } ) { medication { id name dosage comment } messages { field message } }}
The updateMedication
has a very similar behavior to createMedication
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Medication to update. |
Returns an updateMedicationPayload
Deleting a Medication
Medications can be deleted via the deleteMedication
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteMedication($id: ID) { deleteMedication(input: { id: $id }) { medication { id }
messages { field message } }}
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Medication to delete. |
Returns a destroyMedicationPayload