You can learn more about the Tasks feature in general on Healthie’s Help platform.
The Task Object
{ "id": "1800", "client": { "id": 300 }, "user": { "id": "200" }, "creator": { "id": "100" }, "complete": false, "completed_at": null, "content": "Example task content", "created_at": "2022-01-01 09:45:20 -0400", "priority": 1, "position": 0, "seen": true, "reminder": { "id": "1190", "interval_type": "once", "interval_value": "2022-01-08", "is_enabled": true }, "hidden": false, "due_date": "2022-01-10 00:00:00 -0400"}
Tasks are Task
Some of the Task properties are described below:
Field | Description |
priority | 0 when standard priority, 1 if high priority |
client | A Patient object related to this Task. Null if the Task is not Patient-related |
creator | User who crated the Task. It’s not always the assignee (user ) |
position | Position of the Task on the List |
seen | Whether the Task has been seen by the owner (user ) |
complete | Whether the Task is complete |
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Retrieving a Task
query getTask($id: ID) { task(id: $id) { id client { id } user { id } creator { id email } complete completed_at content created_at priority position seen reminder { id interval_type interval_value is_enabled } hidden due_date }}
Retrieving a Task is done via the task
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Task. |
Returns a Task
Listing Tasks
query tasks( $client_id: String $withoutPagination: Boolean $type: String $completed_status: String $sort_by: String $keywords: String $show_hidden: Boolean $created_by_self: Boolean) { tasks( client_id: $client_id withoutPagination: $withoutPagination type: $type completed_status: $completed_status sort_by: $sort_by keywords: $keywords show_hidden: $show_hidden created_by_self: $created_by_self ) { id client { id } user { id } creator { id email } complete completed_at content created_at priority position seen reminder { id interval_type interval_value is_enabled } hidden due_date }}
Listing Entries is done via the tasks
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient associated with the Task. |
withoutPagination | Optional. Keywords to search by. Entries can be searched by description. |
type | Optional. Possible values are:
completed_status | Optional.
created_by_self | Optional. If set to true , will return only Tasks created by the current User. |
show_hidden | Optional. If set to true , will query hidden tasks. |
keywords | Optional. Keywords to search Tasks by. Tasks can be searcheds by the content field. |
sort_by | Optional. Possible values are:
Returns a list of Task
Creating a Task
mutation createTask( $content: String $user_id: String $priority: Int $client_id: String $due_date: String $reminder: TaskReminderInput) { createTask( input: { content: $content user_id: $user_id priority: $priority client_id: $client_id due_date: $due_date reminder: $reminder } ) { task { id } messages { field message } }}
Tasks are created via the createTask
mutation. Let’s break down the inputs that this mutation accepts.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
content | Content of the Task |
user_id | Optional. ID of the User to assign the Task to. If none provided, will assign the task to the current User |
priority | Optional. Possible values are:
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient related to this Task |
complete | Optional. Set to true if the Task is already complete |
due_date | Optional. A due date of the Task |
reminder | Optional. A configuration object for the reminder. See descriptions below |
reminder.is_enabled | Set to true to enable the reminder, false otherwise |
reminder.reminder_time | Time, expressed in number of minutes from midnight, to trigger the reminder at |
reminder.interval_type | Frequency of the reminder. Possible options are:
reminder.interval_value | Date when to trigger the reminder |
Returns a createTaskPayload
Updating a Task
mutation updateTask( $id: String $position: Int $content: String $user_id: String $priority: Int $client_id: String $due_date: String $reminder: TaskReminderInput) { updateTask( input: { id: $id position: $position content: $content user_id: $user_id priority: $priority client_id: $client_id due_date: $due_date reminder: $reminder } ) { task { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateTask
mutation shares many common inputs with createTask
and those inputs (e.g due_date
or priority
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Task to update. |
position | Optional. Set the position of the Task on the list. |
Returns an updateTaskPayload
Marking all Tasks as seen
mutation markTasksAsSeen($seen: Boolean, $update_all_tasks: Boolean) { updateTasksBulk(input: { seen: $seen, update_all_tasks: $update_all_tasks }) { messages { message } }}
You can programmatically mark all Tasks of the current User as seen by using the updateTasksBulk
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
seen | Set to true to mark Tasks as seen by the current User, false to mark as unseen. |
update_all_tasks | Boolean indicating whether all User Tasks should be updated. Set to true . |
Returns an bulkUpdateTasksPayload
Deleting a Task
Tasks can be deleted via the deleteTask
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteTask($id: ID) { deleteTask(input: { id: $id }) { task { id }
messages { field message } }}
The deleteTask
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Task to delete. |
Returns a deleteTaskPayload