Getting started
import { Aside } from ‘@astrojs/starlight/components’;
Websockets and Subscriptions
Healthie offers GraphQL subscriptions via Websockets. This enables you to build interfaces that automatically listen for new data changes (e.g a new chat message comes in). Healthie’s GraphQL subscription implementation is currently offered via AnyCable (which itself is a more peformant implementation of the ActionCable spec).
Please find step-by-step instructions on how to connect and use GraphQL subscriptions via Healthie’s API.
1) Open the Websocket Connection
Open a Websocket Connection to the URL listed below. URL parameters are used for authentication via Websockets, because the Websockets protocol specification does not support headers.
Name | URL |
Sandbox | wss:// |
Production | wss:// |
// Example Welcome
{ "type": "welcome", "sid": "0czVwnltbucBy23AanKFJ"}
// Example Ping
{ "type": "ping", "message": 1664558222}
2) Receive Connection Confirmation
Once you connect in Step 1, You should receive a connection successful/welcome message, and will start to receive pings. See examples to the right
// This is Vanilla JSconst channelId = Math.round( + Math.random() * 100000).toString(16);
3) Generate a Channel ID
ActionCable works via channels. Generate a unique channel ID and then subscribe to it. See generation example to the right.
{ "command": "subscribe", "identifier": "{\"channel\":\"GraphqlChannel\",\"channelId\":\"<ID_HERE>\"}"}
4) Subscribe to the Generated ID
Once you have the channel ID, you need to subscribe to it. Do so via sending in the subscribe command to the open Websocket connection.
# Subscription query
subscription onNoteAddedSubscription($id: String) { noteAddedSubscription(conversationId: $id) { ...NoteFragment __typename }}
fragment NoteFragment on Note { id content user_id conversation_id attached_image_url attached_audio_url document_id created_at updated_at is_autoresponse deleted_by_user scheduled_at image_name document_name on_behalf_user { id full_name __typename } creator { id full_name avatar_url is_patient first_name_last_initial __typename } __typename}
// Use the query above to send it as the `data` property below{ "command": "message", "identifier": "{\"channel\":\"GraphqlChannel\",\"channelId\":\"<ID_HERE>\"}", "data": "<STRINGIFIED_QUERY_HERE>"}
5) Subscribe to the specific GraphQL Subscription
Once you subscribe to channel, you then need to let it know which GraphQL subscription you want to listen to.
Do so via sending in the message command to the open Websocket channel. You can get a list of subscriptions here. Here’s an example for noteAddedSubscription
{ "identifier": "{\"channel\":\"GraphqlChannel\",\"channelId\":\"1838f674dff\"}", "message": { "more": true, "result": { "data": { "noteAddedSubscription": { "__typename": "Note", "attached_audio_url": null, "attached_image_url": null, "content": "\u003cp\u003eCheck Check Check\u003c/p\u003e", "conversation_id": "2060148", "created_at": "2022-09-30 17:20:14 UTC", "creator": { "__typename": "User", "avatar_url": "", "first_name_last_initial": "Dr. Melanie K", "full_name": "Dr. Melanie Klesse", "id": "30", "is_patient": false }, "deleted_by_user": false, "document_id": null, "document_name": null, "id": "10637345", "image_name": null, "is_autoresponse": false, "on_behalf_user": null, "scheduled_at": null, "updated_at": "2022-09-30 17:20:14 UTC", "user_id": "30" } } } }}
6) Receive Subscription Events
Now, you will begin to receive new subscription events that are sent to that channel. Here’s an example, also for the noteAddedSubscription