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Invoices (called RequestedPayments in our API) allow you to request and track owed payments from patients. Patients can be invoiced for a Package (Offering in our API), a CMS1500, or for other custom products/services. Invoices can be sent to third-party payers even if they don’t have a Healthie account (helpful in cases like corporate wellness), but are most commonly sent directly to the patient. In the examples below, we’ll cover how to send an invoice to a patient.

The Invoice Object

"id": "1",
"price": "1234.00",
"status": "Not Yet Paid",
"invoice_id": "UU-1-2022",
"details": "Other: example description",
"currency": "USD",
"invoice_type": "other",
"debt": 1234,
"notes": "Example notes",
"billing_item_id": null,
"billing_items": [],
"is_manually_paid": false,
"requested_payer": {
"id": "3"
"recipient": {
"id": "3",
"dietitian": {
"id": "1"
"sender": {
"id": "1"
"date_to_show": "2022-08-15 14:22:14 -0400"

Invoices are RequestedPayment objects.

You can view the full list of available fields here.

Listing Invoices

query requestedPayments(
$offset: Int
$keywords: String
$sort_by: String
$only_unpaid: Boolean
$sender_id: ID
$status_filter: String
$preview: Boolean
) {
offset: $offset
keywords: $keywords
sort_by: $sort_by
only_unpaid: $only_unpaid
sender_id: $sender_id
status_filter: $status_filter
preview: $preview
) {
recipient {
sender {

Listing Invoices is done via the requestedPayments query.

You can view a full list of potential arguments here.

offsetOptional. Offset for pagination.
keywordsOptional. Keywords to search by. Billing Items can be searched by status, recipient’s first or last name, and offering’s name.
sort_byOptional. Valid options are:
  • requested_on_asc
  • requested_on_desc (default)
  • client_asc
  • client_desc
  • provider_asc
  • provider_desc
  • amount_asc
  • amount_desc
  • status_asc
  • status_desc
  • type_asc
  • type_desc
  • invoice_id_asc
  • invoice_id_desc
only_unpaidOptional. Return only unpaid Invoices.
sender_idOptional. ID of the Sender.
status_filterOptional. Valid options are:
  • paid
  • partial
  • unpaid
previewOptional. Return only Invoices that are in preview.

Returns a list of RequestedPayment objects.

Retrieving an Invoice

query requestedPayment($id: ID, $invoice_id: String, $uuid: String, $preview: Boolean) {
requestedPayment(id: $id, invoice_id: $invoice_id, uuid: $uuid, preview: $preview) {
recipient {
sender {

Retrieving a specific Invoice is done via the requestedPayment query.

At least one of the id, invoice_id and uuid inputs must be provided.

idID of the Invoice to query.
invoice_idInvoice ID, must be used together with uuid.
uuidExternal ID of the Requested Payer.
previewOptional. Return only if the Invoice is in preview.

Returns a RequestedPayment object.

Creating an Invoice

mutation createRequestedPayment(
$recipient_id: ID # e.g "61"
$offering_id: ID # e.g "11"
$price: String # can be left blank since it will default to the price of the package
$invoice_type: String # "offering"
) {
input: { recipient_id: $recipient_id, offering_id: $offering_id, price: $price, invoice_type: $invoice_type }
) {
requestedPayment {
messages {

Invoices are created via the createRequestedPayment mutation. Let’s break down the inputs that mutation accepts.

You can view a full list of potential inputs here.

invoice_typeRequired. The options are
  • cms1500
  • offering
  • other
recipient_idIhe ID of the patient. This is required unless are you invoicing a third-party (in which case you’d send in requested_payer).
sender_idOptional. The ID of the staff member that the invoice is associated with. This defaults to the current user if not sent in.
offering_idOptional. The ID of the package that the invoice is associated with. This is only used if you are invoicing for a package.
cms1500_idOptional. The ID of the CMS1500 that the invoice is associated with. This is only used if you are invoicing for a CMS1500.
priceRequired if invoicing without a package. The amount you are invoicing the patient for. If you are invoicing for a package, this field is optional (and the invoice will default to the package price if this is left out)
notesOptional. Lets you add extra details to the invoice. These notes are visible to the patient.
service_dateOptional. Can only be used the invoice_type is other.
services_providedRequired if invoice_type is other. Otherwise, it should not be sent in. This lets you describe the products/services that you are invoicing the patient for.
statusOptional (and is normally not sent in). status lets you explicitly set the status of the invoice. The options are:
  • Paid
  • Not Yet Paid
  • Partial
Normally it is best to let Healthie automatically determine the status based on payments applied to the invoice.
is_previewOptional. Defaults to false. When passed in as true, the invoice is kept in a preview state and hidden from the Healthie UI.
user_package_selection_idOptional. Only used if you are invoicing a patient for an existing UserPackageSelection.

So in sum, you’d normally send in a recipient_id, invoice_type, price (unless it is for a package and you want to default to the package price), and what you are invoicing for (either a offering_id, cms1500_id, or services_provided). The example on the sidebar shows creating an invoice for a package.

Returns a createRequestedPaymentPayload object.

Updating an Invoice

mutation updateRequestedPayment(
$id: ID!
$recipient_id: ID # e.g "61"
$offering_id: ID # e.g "11"
$price: String # can be left blank since it will default to the price of the package
$invoice_type: String # "offering",
$send_request_email: Boolean
$resend_receipt: Boolean
) {
input: {
id: $id
recipient_id: $recipient_id
offering_id: $offering_id
price: $price
invoice_type: $invoice_type
send_request_email: $send_request_email
resend_receipt: $resend_receipt
) {
requestedPayment {
messages {

The updateRequestedPayment mutation shares many common inputs with createRequestedPayment and those inputs (e.g invoice_type or is_preview work the same in both places).

You can view a full list of potential inputs here.

idRequired. The ID of the Invoice to update.
send_request_emailOptional. Whether to resend the Invoice email.
resend_receiptOptional. Whether to resend the charge confirmation receipt.

Returns an updateRequestedPaymentPayload object.

Deleting an Invoice

Invoices can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteRequestedPayment mutation.

You can view a full list of potential inputs here.

mutation deleteRequestedPayment($id: ID) {
deleteRequestedPayment(input: { id: $id }) {
requestedPayment {
messages {

The deleteRequestedPayment mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.

idRequired. ID of the Invoice to delete.

Returns a deleteRequestedPaymentPayload object.