Invoices (called RequestedPayment
s in our API) allow you to request and track owed payments from patients.
Patients can be invoiced for a Package (Offering
in our API), a CMS1500, or for other custom products/services.
Invoices can be sent to third-party payers even if they don’t have a Healthie account (helpful in cases like corporate wellness), but are most commonly sent directly to the patient. In the examples below, we’ll cover how to send an invoice to a patient.
The Invoice Object
{ "id": "1", "price": "1234.00", "status": "Not Yet Paid", "invoice_id": "UU-1-2022", "details": "Other: example description", "currency": "USD", "invoice_type": "other", "debt": 1234, "notes": "Example notes", "billing_item_id": null, "billing_items": [], "is_manually_paid": false, "requested_payer": { "id": "3" }, "recipient": { "id": "3", "dietitian": { "id": "1" } }, "sender": { "id": "1" }, "date_to_show": "2022-08-15 14:22:14 -0400"}
Invoices are RequestedPayment
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Invoices
query requestedPayments( $offset: Int $keywords: String $sort_by: String $only_unpaid: Boolean $sender_id: ID $status_filter: String $preview: Boolean) { requestedPayments( offset: $offset keywords: $keywords sort_by: $sort_by only_unpaid: $only_unpaid sender_id: $sender_id status_filter: $status_filter preview: $preview ) { id price status invoice_id recipient { id } sender { id } }}
Listing Invoices is done via the requestedPayments
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
offset | Optional. Offset for pagination. |
keywords | Optional. Keywords to search by. Billing Items can be searched by status, recipient’s first or last name, and offering’s name. |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
only_unpaid | Optional. Return only unpaid Invoices. |
sender_id | Optional. ID of the Sender. |
status_filter | Optional. Valid options are:
preview | Optional. Return only Invoices that are in preview. |
Returns a list of RequestedPayment
Retrieving an Invoice
query requestedPayment($id: ID, $invoice_id: String, $uuid: String, $preview: Boolean) { requestedPayment(id: $id, invoice_id: $invoice_id, uuid: $uuid, preview: $preview) { id price status invoice_id recipient { id } sender { id } }}
Retrieving a specific Invoice is done via the requestedPayment
At least one of the id
, invoice_id
and uuid
inputs must be provided.
Input | Info |
id | ID of the Invoice to query. |
invoice_id | Invoice ID, must be used together with uuid . |
uuid | External ID of the Requested Payer. |
preview | Optional. Return only if the Invoice is in preview. |
Returns a RequestedPayment
Creating an Invoice
mutation createRequestedPayment( $recipient_id: ID # e.g "61" $offering_id: ID # e.g "11" $price: String # can be left blank since it will default to the price of the package $invoice_type: String # "offering") { createRequestedPayment( input: { recipient_id: $recipient_id, offering_id: $offering_id, price: $price, invoice_type: $invoice_type } ) { requestedPayment { id } messages { field message } }}
Invoices are created via the createRequestedPayment
mutation. Let’s break down the inputs that mutation accepts.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
invoice_type | Required. The options are
recipient_id | Ihe ID of the patient. This is required unless are you invoicing a third-party (in which case you’d send in requested_payer ). |
sender_id | Optional. The ID of the staff member that the invoice is associated with. This defaults to the current user if not sent in. |
offering_id | Optional. The ID of the package that the invoice is associated with. This is only used if you are invoicing for a package. |
cms1500_id | Optional. The ID of the CMS1500 that the invoice is associated with. This is only used if you are invoicing for a CMS1500. |
price | Required if invoicing without a package. The amount you are invoicing the patient for. If you are invoicing for a package, this field is optional (and the invoice will default to the package price if this is left out) |
notes | Optional. Lets you add extra details to the invoice. These notes are visible to the patient. |
service_date | Optional. Can only be used the invoice_type is other . |
services_provided | Required if invoice_type is other . Otherwise, it should not be sent in. This lets you describe the products/services that you are invoicing the patient for. |
status | Optional (and is normally not sent in). status lets you explicitly set the status of the invoice. The options are:
is_preview | Optional. Defaults to false . When passed in as true , the invoice is kept in a preview state and hidden from the Healthie UI. |
user_package_selection_id | Optional. Only used if you are invoicing a patient for an existing UserPackageSelection . |
So in sum, you’d normally send in a recipient_id
, invoice_type
, price
(unless it is for a package and you want to default to the package price), and what you are invoicing for (either a offering_id
, cms1500_id
, or services_provided
). The example on the sidebar shows creating an invoice for a package.
Returns a createRequestedPaymentPayload
Updating an Invoice
mutation updateRequestedPayment( $id: ID! $recipient_id: ID # e.g "61" $offering_id: ID # e.g "11" $price: String # can be left blank since it will default to the price of the package $invoice_type: String # "offering", $send_request_email: Boolean $resend_receipt: Boolean) { updateRequestedPayment( input: { id: $id recipient_id: $recipient_id offering_id: $offering_id price: $price invoice_type: $invoice_type send_request_email: $send_request_email resend_receipt: $resend_receipt } ) { requestedPayment { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateRequestedPayment
mutation shares many common inputs with createRequestedPayment
and those inputs (e.g invoice_type
or is_preview
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Invoice to update. |
send_request_email | Optional. Whether to resend the Invoice email. |
resend_receipt | Optional. Whether to resend the charge confirmation receipt. |
Returns an updateRequestedPaymentPayload
Deleting an Invoice
Invoices can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteRequestedPayment
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteRequestedPayment($id: ID) { deleteRequestedPayment(input: { id: $id }) { requestedPayment { id }
messages { field message } }}
The deleteRequestedPayment
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Invoice to delete. |
Returns a deleteRequestedPaymentPayload