The Package Object
// Some Example Fields for an Offering
{ "id": "1", "name": "Example Package", "price": "100.0", "currency": "USD", "repeat_times": null, "show_offering": false, "frequency_times_string": "a week", "abbreviated_frequency_times_string": "", "living_plate_meal_plan_name": null, "billing_frequency": "Weekly", "first_time_payment": null, "archived": false, "visibility_status": "hidden", "initial_payment_amount": "100.0", "initial_price_with_taxes": "100.0", "offering_includes": [ { "id": "1", "quantity": "1", "is_repeating": true, "appointment_type": { "id": "1", "name": "Initial Consultation", "clients_can_book": true } }, { "id": "2", "quantity": "3", "is_repeating": true, "appointment_type": { "id": "2", "name": "Follow-up Session", "clients_can_book": true } } ]}
Within the API, Packages are known as Offering
objects. In this documentation we will use both terms interchangeably.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
If you have questions about the overall functionality of Client Packages, you can find information here.
Retrieving a Package
query getOffernig($id: ID) { offering(id: $id) { id name billing_frequency currency price initial_payment_amount initial_price_with_taxes }}
Retrieving a specific Package is done via the offering
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Package to query. |
Returns an Offering
Creating a Package
mutation createOffering( $name: String $price: String $billing_frequency: String $offering_includes: [OfferingIncludesFields] $first_time_payment: String $visibility_status: String $charge_immediately: Boolean $course_ids: String) { createOffering( input: { name: $name price: $price billing_frequency: $billing_frequency offering_includes: $offering_includes first_time_payment: $first_time_payment visibility_status: $visibility_status charge_immediately: $charge_immediately course_ids: $course_ids } ) { offering { id } messages { field message } }}
Packages are created using the createOffering
The createOffering
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of inputs used to create an Offering.
Input | Info |
name | Required. The name of the Package. |
price | Required. Package price as string. Check the minimumOfferingPrice query to get a minimum Package price. |
billing_frequency | Required. Valid options are:
offering_includes | Optional. A list of appointment sessions included in the Program. Objects of type OfferingIncludesFields . |
first_time_payment | Optional. Price for the first payment. |
charge_immediately | Optional. Whether to charge the Client immediately. |
course_ids | Optional. A comma-separated string of Program IDs to include in the Package. |
Returns a createOfferingPayload
Updating a Package
mutation updateOffering( $name: String $price: String $billing_frequency: String $offering_includes: [OfferingIncludesFields] $first_time_payment: String $visibility_status: String $charge_immediately: Boolean $course_ids: String) { updateOffering( input: { name: $name price: $price billing_frequency: $billing_frequency offering_includes: $offering_includes first_time_payment: $first_time_payment visibility_status: $visibility_status charge_immediately: $charge_immediately course_ids: $course_ids } ) { offering { id } messages { field message } }}
Packages are updated via the updateOffering
The updateOffering
mutation is called from an authenticated account.
The updateOffering
mutation shares many common inputs with createOffering
and those inputs (e.g first_time_payment
or visibility_status
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Package to update. |
archived | Optional. Set to true to archive the Package. |
Returns a updateOfferingPayload
Cloning a Package
mutation copyOffering($id: ID) { copyOffering(input: { id: $id }) { offering { id }
messages { field message } }}
You can create a copy of a Package by running the copyOffering
The copyOffering
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Package to clone. |
Returns a copyOfferingPayload
Deleting a Package
mutation deleteOffering($id: ID) { deleteOffering(input: { id: $id }) { offering { id }
messages { field message } }}
Packages can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteOffering
The deleteOffering
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Package to delete. |
Returns a deleteOfferingPayload
Listing all Packages
query getOfferings( $offset: Int $should_paginate: Boolean $keywords: String $sort_by: String $provider_id: ID $offering_id: ID $offering_ids: [ID] $only_client_visible: Boolean $status: String $client_visibility: String $offering_user_group_id: ID $show_only_visible: Boolean) { offerings( offset: $offset should_paginate: $should_paginate keywords: $keywords sort_by: $sort_by provider_id: $provider_id offering_id: $offering_id offering_ids: $offering_ids only_client_visible: $only_client_visible status: $status client_visibility: $client_visibility offering_user_group_id: $offering_user_group_id show_only_visible: $show_only_visible ) { id name billing_frequency currency price initial_payment_amount initial_price_with_taxes }}
A list of Packages can be retrieved via the offerings
query. This query is called from an authenticated account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
keywords | Optional. A term to search Packages by. Can be searched by the name, description and price fields. |
offering_id | Optional. An ID of a single Offering to return. |
offering_ids | Optional. An array of Offering IDs to return. |
client_visibility | Optional. Filters by Package visibility to clients. Possible options:
show_only_visible | Optional. Returns Packages that are visible to everyone. |
only_client_visible | Optional. Returns Packages that are either visibile to everyone or to the Client Groups that the current user belongs to. |
offering_user_group_id | Optional. Returns Packages that are visible only to a specific User Group. |
status | Optional. Provide archived to fetch only archived Packages. |
Returns a list of Offering