Offering (or Package)
· String
· Formatted frequency string abbreviated for offering list page billing_frequency
· String
· frequency client will be billed for package billing_items_count
· Int
· count of billing items for a given offering can_be_gifted
· Boolean!
· required · True if package is allowed to be gifted to other clients. Currently only available for non-recurring offerings charge_immediately
· Boolean!
· required · If false the payment for the offering should be collected manually at a later time description
· String
· Description of the package, not allowing nil embed_question_form_id
· String
· ID of the embedded custom module form first_time_payment
· String
· first time payment price of package frequency_times_string
· String
· Formatted frequency string immediate_purchase_url
· String
· A URL to purchase the package includes_ended_fixed_course
· Boolean
· Whether the package includes a course that has ended initial_payment_amount
· String
· initial payment amount of package initial_price_with_taxes
· String
· initial price of package including applicable taxes living_plate_meal_plan_id
· String
· selected meal plan from living plate living_plate_meal_plan_name
· String
· if this offering has a living plate meal plan associated, returns a link to living plate meal plan preview living_plate_preview_url
· String
· if this offering has a living plate meal plan associated, returns a link to living plate meal plan preview max_purchases
· String
· Number of times the package could be purchased. Unlimited if set to nil meal_plan_options
· [MealPlan!]
· meal plan options in offering (currently only from living plate) minimum_quantity
· String
· minimum_quantity offering_courses
· [OfferingCourse!]
· courses related to offering offering_group_visibilities
· [OfferingGroupVisibility!]
· user groups that are specific to this offering offering_image
· OfferingImage
· offering image offering_image_id
· ID
· id of offering image offering_image_url
· String
· URL of the offering image to use offering_includes
· [OfferingInclude!]
· appointment types related to offering offering_lab_options
· [OfferingLabOption!]
· lab options included in offering offering_product_taxes
· Float
· Taxes on offering products offering_products
· [OfferingProduct!]
· Products included in the offering on_purchase_ifs_tag_id
· String
· on on_purchase_ifs_tag_id override_group_on_purchase
· Boolean!
· required · Shows whether user group should be changed when client which is already in the user group is buying the package price_per_minute
· String
· price per minute repeat_times
· String
· repeat times require_booking_purchase
· Boolean!
· required · When true, the package requires appointment booking during package purchase selected_image_id
· String
· offering image id start_fb_pixel
· String
· start_fb_pixel total_revenue
· Float
· total of billing_items.amount_paid for a given offering under_purchase_cap
· Boolean
· When false, the package is at its purchase cap, and cannot be bought by a client user_group_id
· ID
· user group id associated with this package user_group_name
· String
· User group name associated with this offering user_package_selections_count
· Int
· count of user package selections for a given offering visibility_status
· String!
· required · Whether the package is visible to all or to a specific group or completely hidden. Used By
"""Offering (or Package)"""type Offering { """ Formatted frequency string abbreviated for offering list page """ abbreviated_frequency_times_string: String
""" Whether or not this packages has been archived """ archived: Boolean!
""" Ask for a CC (even on a free package) """ ask_for_cc: Boolean!
""" frequency client will be billed for package """ billing_frequency: String
""" count of billing items for a given offering """ billing_items_count: Int
""" True if package is allowed to be gifted to other clients. Currently only available for non-recurring offerings """ can_be_gifted: Boolean!
""" If false the payment for the offering should be collected manually at a later time """ charge_immediately: Boolean!
""" course id associated with this package """ course_id: ID
""" created at """ created_at: String!
""" currency used to pay for this package """ currency: String
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" Description of the package, not allowing nil """ description: String
""" ID of the embedded custom module form """ embed_question_form_id: String
""" fb_pixel """ fb_pixel: String
""" first time payment price of package """ first_time_payment: String
""" Formatted frequency string """ frequency_times_string: String
""" The unique identifier of the offering """ id: ID!
""" A URL to purchase the package """ immediate_purchase_url: String
""" Whether the package includes a course that has ended """ includes_ended_fixed_course: Boolean
""" initial payment amount of package """ initial_payment_amount: String
""" initial price of package including applicable taxes """ initial_price_with_taxes: String
""" selected meal plan from living plate """ living_plate_meal_plan_id: String
""" if this offering has a living plate meal plan associated, returns a link to living plate meal plan preview """ living_plate_meal_plan_name: String
""" if this offering has a living plate meal plan associated, returns a link to living plate meal plan preview """ living_plate_preview_url: String
""" Number of times the package could be purchased. Unlimited if set to nil """ max_purchases: String
""" meal plan options in offering (currently only from living plate) """ meal_plan_options: [MealPlan!]
""" minimum_quantity """ minimum_quantity: String
""" name of package """ name: String
""" courses related to offering """ offering_courses: [OfferingCourse!]
""" user groups that are specific to this offering """ offering_group_visibilities: [OfferingGroupVisibility!]
""" offering image """ offering_image: OfferingImage
""" id of offering image """ offering_image_id: ID
""" URL of the offering image to use """ offering_image_url: String
""" appointment types related to offering """ offering_includes( """ If present, only return offering includes that include the given appointment type """ appointment_type_id: ID
""" If true, only return offering includes that are bookable by the client """ only_bookable_by_client: Boolean ): [OfferingInclude!]
""" count of offering includes associated with offering """ offering_includes_count: Int!
""" lab options included in offering """ offering_lab_options: [OfferingLabOption!]
""" Taxes on offering products """ offering_product_taxes: Float
""" Products included in the offering """ offering_products: [OfferingProduct!]
""" on on_purchase_ifs_tag_id """ on_purchase_ifs_tag_id: String
""" Shows whether user group should be changed when client which is already in the user group is buying the package """ override_group_on_purchase: Boolean!
""" price of package """ price: String
""" price per minute """ price_per_minute: String
""" repeat times """ repeat_times: String
""" When true, the package requires appointment booking during package purchase """ require_booking_purchase: Boolean!
""" position of package when displayed in packages list """ row_order: String
""" offering image id """ selected_image_id: String
""" show free text to customers on offerings of zero price """ show_free_text: Boolean!
""" show offering toggle """ show_offering: Boolean!
""" show price toggle """ show_price: Boolean!
""" start_fb_pixel """ start_fb_pixel: String
""" total of billing_items.amount_paid for a given offering """ total_revenue: Float
""" When false, the package is at its purchase cap, and cannot be bought by a client """ under_purchase_cap: Boolean
""" updated at """ updated_at: String!
""" The user who owns the package """ user: User
""" user group id associated with this package """ user_group_id: ID
""" User group name associated with this offering """ user_group_name: String
""" id of user """ user_id: ID
""" count of user package selections for a given offering """ user_package_selections_count: Int
""" user pays toggle """ user_pays: Boolean!
""" video associated with offering """ video_url: String
""" Whether the package is visible to all or to a specific group or completely hidden. """ visibility_status: String!}