Fetch paginated conversation memberships collection
· Boolean
· If true with client_id, only returns client messages that are shared with the provider provider_id
· ID
· ID of the provider to get conversation for (if nil, will return current users) provider_ids
· [ID]
· Used to filter org chat conversations by provider ids Returns
query conversationMemberships( $active_status: String $client_id: String $conversation_type: String $keywords: String $notes_type: String $only_include_shared_memberships: Boolean $org_chat: Boolean $provider_id: ID $provider_ids: [ID] $read_status: String $order_by: ConversationMembershipOrderKeys $offset: Int $page_size: Int $after: Cursor) { conversationMemberships( active_status: $active_status client_id: $client_id conversation_type: $conversation_type keywords: $keywords notes_type: $notes_type only_include_shared_memberships: $only_include_shared_memberships org_chat: $org_chat provider_id: $provider_id provider_ids: $provider_ids read_status: $read_status order_by: $order_by offset: $offset page_size: $page_size after: $after ) { archived conversation_id conversation_role convo convo_updated_at created_at creator cursor display_avatar display_name display_name_and_initial display_other_user_first_name display_other_user_name id last_task updated_at user_id user_list_as_display_name viewed }}