A lab observation result
· String
· The flag of abnormality in the observation is_abnormal
· Boolean
· True indicates the result is abnormal qualitative_result
· String
· The qualitative result of the lab observation quantitative_result
· String
· The quantitative result of the lab observation reference_range
· String
· The reference range of the lab observation Used By
"""A lab observation result"""type LabObservationResult { """ The flag of abnormality in the observation """ abnormal_flag: String
""" The unique identifier of the result """ id: ID!
""" True indicates the result is abnormal """ is_abnormal: Boolean
""" The notes of the lab observation """ notes: String
""" The qualitative result of the lab observation """ qualitative_result: String
""" The quantitative result of the lab observation """ quantitative_result: String
""" The reference range of the lab observation """ reference_range: String
""" The units of the lab observation measurement """ units: String}