An allergy/sensitivity/preference for a client
· String
· Type of allergy or like/dislike for preference. Options: food, drug, environmental, pet, latex, like, dislike created_by
· User
· User who created this allergy is_current
· Boolean
· If the allergy is current. deprecated
Use status insteadonset_date
· String
· The date of onset reaction_type
· String
· The type of the reaction. Options are [allergy, adverse_reaction] requires_consolidation
· Boolean
· When true, this object must be consolidated as part of a CCDA Ingest updated_at
· String
· Date/Time last updated Used By
"""An allergy/sensitivity/preference for a client"""type AllergySensitivity { """ Enum field. Options: allergy, sensitivity, preference, intolerance, ccda """ category: String!
""" Type of allergy or like/dislike for preference. Options: food, drug, environmental, pet, latex, like, dislike """ category_type: String
""" Date/Time created """ created_at: String!
""" User who created this allergy """ created_by: User
""" The unique identifier of the allergy """ id: ID!
""" If the allergy is current. """ is_current: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use status instead")
""" If the allergy is synchronized with an external system (e.g., an E-Rx system) """ mirrored: Boolean!
""" The name of the allergy/sensitivity/preference """ name: String
""" The date of onset """ onset_date: String
""" Description of the reaction on the allergen """ reaction: String
""" The type of the reaction. Options are [allergy, adverse_reaction] """ reaction_type: String
""" When true, this object must be consolidated as part of a CCDA Ingest """ requires_consolidation: Boolean
""" The severity of the allergy. Options: mild, moderate, severe, unknown """ severity: String
""" The allergy's current status. Options are [active, inactive, resolved] """ status: String
""" Date/Time last updated """ updated_at: String}