Autogenerated input type of updateClient
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEdefault_dosespot_clinic_id
· String
· The default Dosespot Clinic ID to use for a patient. Commonly nil, in which case the provider's default is used deprecated
· Boolean
· Restricted is only available when enabled for an organization Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of updateClient"""input updateClientInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") active: Boolean activity_level: String additional_phone_number: String additional_record_identifier: String advance_appointment_prices: [AdvanceAppointmentPriceInput] appointment_type_credits_attributes: [AppointmentTypeCreditInput] auto_charge_enabled: Boolean client_source: ClientSourceInput current_email: String diagnoses: [DiagnosesInput] dietitian_id: String dob: String email: String first_name: String for_changing_groups: Boolean gender: String gender_identity: String gender_identity_code: String height: String
""" The default Dosespot Clinic ID to use for a patient. Commonly nil, in which case the provider's default is used """ default_dosespot_clinic_id: String id: ID is_intake_item: Boolean last_name: String legal_name: String location: ClientLocationInput locations: [ClientLocationInput]
""" a serialized JSON string of metadata, maximum length of 128,000 """ metadata: String notification_contacts: [NotificationContactInput] @deprecated(reason: "Deprecated") other_provider_ids: [String] password: String phone_number: String policies: [ClientPolicyInput] preferred_language_code: String primary_ethnicity_code: String primary_race_code: String pronouns: String quick_notes: String record_identifier: String referrals: [ReferralInput] remove_card_on_file: Boolean requested_form_completion_id: String resend_welcome: Boolean
""" Restricted is only available when enabled for an organization """ restricted: Boolean secondary_ethnicity_code: String secondary_race_code: String send_form_request_reminder: Boolean sex: String sexual_orientation_code: String sexual_orientation_other: String skipped_email: Boolean timezone: String
""" Token for credit card, created by Stripe.JS """ token: String user_group_id: String}