The auto task generators belonging to a specific user
· Int
· The number of days the task is due from the date it was created number_description
· String
· Description of the number to check user_id_for_task
· String
· The id of the user Used By
"""The auto task generators belonging to a specific user"""type AutoTaskGenerator { """ Category of task """ category: String!
""" The date and time that the task was created """ created_at: String!
""" The number of days the task is due from the date it was created """ days_due_from_created_at: Int
""" The unique identifier of the generator """ id: ID!
""" True if task is active """ is_enabled: Boolean!
""" Description of the number to check """ number_description: String
""" The number to check """ number_to_check: Float!
""" Description of the task """ task_description: String!
""" The last date and time that the task was updated """ updated_at: String!
""" The id of the user who creates the task """ user_id: String
""" The id of the user """ user_id_for_task: String}