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Autogenerated input type of updateCarePlan


deprecated DO NOT USE
notify_client_by_email · Boolean · DEPRECATED. Use BulkUpdateCarePlanUsers mutation for bulk notifications(group care plan) or Notify mutation if you want to trigger email for specific user
deprecated Use `BulkUpdateCarePlanUsers` mutation for bulk notifications (group care plan) or `Notify` mutation if you want to trigger email for specific user

Used By


Autogenerated input type of updateCarePlan
input updateCarePlanInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
description: String
doc_id: ID
from_template: Boolean
id: ID
is_creating: Boolean
is_hidden: Boolean
is_managing_templates: Boolean = false
is_template: Boolean
is_updating: Boolean
name: String
new_patient_id: ID
DEPRECATED. Use BulkUpdateCarePlanUsers mutation for bulk notifications(group care plan) or Notify mutation if you want to trigger email for specific user
notify_client_by_email: Boolean
reason: "Use `BulkUpdateCarePlanUsers` mutation for bulk notifications (group care plan) or `Notify` mutation if you want to trigger email for specific user"
user_group_id: ID