The referral information for a CMS1500 claim
· String
· The state the auto accident occurred in case_qualifier
· String
· The qualifier for case_date deprecated
You are no longer able to get the cms1500 from the referral infocms1500_id
· String
· The id of the associated CMS1500 condition_related_to
· [String]
· Options that the condition can be related to hospitalization_end
· String
· The end of the hospitalization period hospitalization_start
· String
· The start of the hospitalization period other_associated_date
· String
· This field identifies additional date information about the patient's condition or treatment. other_associated_qualifier
· String
· The qualifier for other_associated_date prior_auth_number
· String
· The prior authorization number ref_provider_first
· String
· The first name of the referring provider ref_provider_last
· String
· The last name of the referring provider ref_provider_middle
· String
· The middle name of the referring provider ref_provider_npi
· String
· The NPI of the referring provider ref_provider_other_id
· String
· The other id of the referring provider ref_provider_other_id_qual
· String
· The other id qualifier of the referring provider ref_provider_qual
· String
· The qualifications of the referring provider referral_date
· String
· The date of the referral referring_physician
· ReferringPhysician
· The associated referring physician referring_physician_id
· ID
· The id of associated referring physician unable_to_work_end
· String
· The end of the unable to work period unable_to_work_start
· String
· The start of the unable to work period Used By
"""The referral information for a CMS1500 claim"""type ReferralInfo { """ The state the auto accident occurred in """ auto_accident_state: String
""" The date of current illness, injury, or pregnancy """ case_date: String
""" The qualifier for case_date """ case_qualifier: String
""" The associated CMS1500 """ cms1500: Cms1500 @deprecated( reason: "You are no longer able to get the cms1500 from the referral info" )
""" The id of the associated CMS1500 """ cms1500_id: String
""" Options that the condition can be related to """ condition_related_to: [String]
""" The end of the hospitalization period """ hospitalization_end: String
""" The start of the hospitalization period """ hospitalization_start: String
""" The unique identifier of the referral info """ id: ID
""" This field identifies additional date information about the patient's condition or treatment. """ other_associated_date: String
""" The qualifier for other_associated_date """ other_associated_qualifier: String
""" The prior authorization number """ prior_auth_number: String
""" The first name of the referring provider """ ref_provider_first: String
""" The last name of the referring provider """ ref_provider_last: String
""" The middle name of the referring provider """ ref_provider_middle: String
""" The NPI of the referring provider """ ref_provider_npi: String
""" The other id of the referring provider """ ref_provider_other_id: String
""" The other id qualifier of the referring provider """ ref_provider_other_id_qual: String
""" The qualifications of the referring provider """ ref_provider_qual: String
""" The date of the referral """ referral_date: String
""" The associated referring physician """ referring_physician: ReferringPhysician
""" The id of associated referring physician """ referring_physician_id: ID
""" The end of the unable to work period """ unable_to_work_end: String
""" The start of the unable to work period """ unable_to_work_start: String}