A serving size object
· Boolean!
· required · Whether or not this serving size was imported from the USDA database food_portion_id
· ID
· The id of the food portion this serving size belongs to macro_nutrients
· [FoodNutrient!]
· The macro nutrients of this serving size (Calories, Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat) nutrients
· [FoodNutrient!]
· The nutrients of this serving size Used By
"""A serving size object"""type ServingSize { """ The number of servings """ amount: Float
""" The calories of serving size """ calories: Float
""" Whether or not this serving size was imported from the USDA database """ fdc_import: Boolean!
""" The food id of the food this serving size belongs to """ food_id: String
""" The id of the food portion this serving size belongs to """ food_portion_id: ID
""" The unique identifier of the serving size """ id: ID!
""" The macro nutrients of this serving size (Calories, Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat) """ macro_nutrients: [FoodNutrient!]
""" percentage of 100g. For example if modifier is 2.5 then this serving size is 250g """ modifier: Float
""" The nutrients of this serving size """ nutrients( """ If true, only returns nutrients if food is created by user () """ food_search: Boolean ): [FoodNutrient!]
""" The type of serving (i.e grams, scoop, spoonful) """ unit: String}