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Payload for a CMS 1500 location


city · String · The city
country · String · The country code
id · ID · The ID of the location
line1 · String · The first line of the address
line2 · String · The second line of the address
name · String · The graphql_name of the location
npi · String · The NPI of the location
other_id · String · The other ID of the location
other_id_qual · String · The other ID qual of the location
place_of_service_id · String · The place of service ID of the location
state · String · The state
user_id · String · The ID of user who owns the location
zip · String · The zip code

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Payload for a CMS 1500 location
input LocationInput {
The city
city: String
The country code
country: String
The ID of the location
id: ID
The first line of the address
line1: String
The second line of the address
line2: String
The graphql_name of the location
name: String
The NPI of the location
npi: String
The other ID of the location
other_id: String
The other ID qual of the location
other_id_qual: String
The place of service ID of the location
place_of_service_id: String
The state
state: String
The ID of user who owns the location
user_id: String
The zip code
zip: String