A transfer
· String
· The amount to display (formatted and with currency symbol) displayed_expected_to_happen
· String
· The expected to happen date to display displayed_initiated
· String
· The initiation date to display expected_to_happen
· String
· The date that the transfer is expected to complete transactions_count
· Int
· Number of transactions Used By
"""A transfer"""type TransferType { """ The amount for the transfer """ amount: String
""" The currency of the transfer """ currency: String
""" The amount to display (formatted and with currency symbol) """ displayed_amount: String
""" The expected to happen date to display """ displayed_expected_to_happen: String
""" The initiation date to display """ displayed_initiated: String
""" The date that the transfer is expected to complete """ expected_to_happen: String
""" Total of all fees deducted from all transactions """ fees: String
""" Stripe ID for this transfer """ id: String!
""" The initiation time of the transfer """ initiated: String
""" The status for the transfer """ status: String
""" Number of transactions """ transactions_count: Int
""" The type of transfer """ type: String}