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Autogenerated input type of createAppointment


deprecated DO NOT USE
contact_type · String · The type of appointment (video, in person, phone call, etc.). Required if not a blocker.
cpt_code_id · ID · Cpt code associated with this appointment
datetime · String · Timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO8601 format, supercedes date, time params.
external_videochat_url · String · When passed in, this video chat URL will be used instead of built-in Video Chat or Zoom
join_all · Boolean · deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
deprecated Use `recurring_appointment` instead
metadata · JSON · a serialized JSON string of metadata
price · String · The price associated with this appointment
repeat · Boolean · deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
deprecated Use `recurring_appointment` instead
repeat_interval · String · deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
deprecated Use `recurring_appointment` instead
repeat_times · String · deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
deprecated Use `recurring_appointment` instead
timezone · String · Timezone to use for date and time fields. Overrides the timezone of the current user
units · String · Units to use as a multiplier for appointment price

Used By


Autogenerated input type of createAppointment
input createAppointmentInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
appointment_location_id: String
appointment_type_id: String
attendee_ids: String
The type of appointment (video, in person, phone call, etc.). Required if not a blocker.
contact_type: String
Cpt code associated with this appointment
cpt_code_id: ID
date: String
Timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO8601 format, supercedes date, time params.
datetime: String
end_date: String
end_time: String
exclude_no_credits: Boolean
When passed in, this video chat URL will be used instead of built-in Video Chat or Zoom
external_videochat_url: String
insurance_billing_enabled: Boolean
is_blocker: Boolean
is_zoom_chat: Boolean
deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
join_all: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `recurring_appointment` instead")
location: String
max_attendees: String
a serialized JSON string of metadata
metadata: JSON
notes: String
other_party_id: String
The price associated with this appointment
price: String
providers: String
recurring_appointment: RecurringAppointmentInput
deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
repeat: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `recurring_appointment` instead")
deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
repeat_interval: String
@deprecated(reason: "Use `recurring_appointment` instead")
deprecated, use recurring_appointment instead
repeat_times: String
@deprecated(reason: "Use `recurring_appointment` instead")
room_id: String
start_immediately: Boolean
time: String
Timezone to use for date and time fields. Overrides the timezone of the current user
timezone: String
Units to use as a multiplier for appointment price
units: String
user_id: String