Recurring Payment
· String
· The amount of recurring payment amount_to_pay
· String
· The amount to be paid for the next payment appointment_id
· ID
· The ID of the appointment associated with this recurring payment billing_frequency
· String
· The frequency the payment should be made billing_items_count
· String
· The number of billing items canceled_at
· String
· The date on which the recurring payment is canceled canceled_by
· User
· The provider who canceled the recurring payment has_next_payment_date
· Boolean
· Includes the next payment date, returns true if next payment date is set and payments remaining is greater than zero has_scheduled_billing_item
· Boolean
· Whether or not this recurring payment has scheduled billing item last_billing_item
· BillingItem
· The last billing item for this recurring payment next_payment_date
· String
· The date of the next payment next_restart_payment_date
· String
· The next payment date if the recurring payment is restarted offering_coupon_id
· ID
· The ID of the coupon offering_id
· ID
· The offering ID offering_name
· String
· The name of the offering associated with recurring payment original_price
· String
· The original price payments_remaining
· String
· Count remaining payments or returns Until Canceled recipient_id
· ID
· The ID of the receiver repeat_tiems
· String
· The number of times the payment should repeat deprecated
Use `repeat_times` insteadrepeat_times
· String
· The number of times the payment should repeat updated_at
· String
· The updated at date Used By
"""Recurring Payment"""type RecurringPayment { """ The amount of recurring payment """ amount_paid: String
""" The amount to be paid for the next payment """ amount_to_pay: String
""" The ID of the appointment associated with this recurring payment """ appointment_id: ID
""" The frequency the payment should be made """ billing_frequency: String
""" The number of billing items """ billing_items_count: String
""" The date on which the recurring payment is canceled """ canceled_at: String
""" The provider who canceled the recurring payment """ canceled_by: User
""" The date on which the recurring payment is created """ created_at: String!
""" Includes the next payment date, returns true if next payment date is set and payments remaining is greater than zero """ has_next_payment_date: Boolean
""" Whether or not this recurring payment has scheduled billing item """ has_scheduled_billing_item: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the recurring payment """ id: ID!
""" If the recurring payment has been canceled """ is_canceled: Boolean!
""" Whether or not the recurring payments has been paused """ is_paused: Boolean!
""" The last billing item for this recurring payment """ last_billing_item: BillingItem
""" The date of the next payment """ next_payment_date: String
""" The next payment date if the recurring payment is restarted """ next_restart_payment_date: String
""" The ID of the coupon """ offering_coupon_id: ID
""" The offering ID """ offering_id: ID
""" The name of the offering associated with recurring payment """ offering_name: String
""" The original price """ original_price: String
""" The date on which the recurring payment is paused """ paused_at: String
""" The provider who paused the recurring payment """ paused_by: User
""" Count remaining payments or returns Until Canceled """ payments_remaining: String
""" The ID of the receiver """ recipient_id: ID
""" The number of times the payment should repeat """ repeat_tiems: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `repeat_times` instead")
""" The number of times the payment should repeat """ repeat_times: String
""" The ID oft the sender """ sender_id: ID
""" The date payments should begin """ start_at: String
""" The updated at date """ updated_at: String}