a completed course item
· ID
· The ID of the completed item completed_item_type
· String
· The type of the completed item course_item_id
· ID
· The ID of course related to the completed item next_item
· CourseItem
· The next item after the current item Used By
"""a completed course item"""type CompletedCourseItem { """ The ID of the completed item """ completed_item_id: ID
""" The type of the completed item """ completed_item_type: String
""" The ID of course related to the completed item """ course_item_id: ID
""" The date when the completed item was created """ created_at: String!
""" The unique identifier of the item """ id: ID!
""" The next item after the current item """ next_item: CourseItem
""" The date when the completed item was updated """ updated_at: String!
""" The ID of the user related to the completed item """ user_id: ID}