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The data for the appointment summary


appointment_history · [AppointmentPerDayData!] · The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for the specific day
appointment_history_per_provider · [AppointmentPerUserData!] · The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each provider for the specific day
appointment_history_per_provider_and_type · [AppointmentPerTypePerUserData!] · The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each provider for each appointment type for the specific day
appointment_history_per_type · [AppointmentPerTypePerDayData!] · The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each appointment type for the specific day
appointments_per_type_count · [AppointmentTypeAppointmentCountData!] · The count of appointments for each appointment type
avg_per_day · Int · The average amount of appointments per day
avg_per_day_percent_diff · Int · The difference between the current average amount of appointments and the average count of appointments in prior period
busiest_days_of_week · [String] · The busiest week day in selected period
cache_generation_in_progress · Boolean · When true, the data is in the process of being generated and stored in the cache.
percent_diff · Int · The difference in contrast to previous period in percents
total_count · Int · The total appointment count

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The data for the appointment summary
type AppointmentSummaryData {
The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for the specific day
appointment_history: [AppointmentPerDayData!]
The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each provider for the specific day
appointment_history_per_provider: [AppointmentPerUserData!]
The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each provider for each appointment type for the specific day
appointment_history_per_provider_and_type: [AppointmentPerTypePerUserData!]
The array containing the appointment count for each appointment status for each appointment type for the specific day
appointment_history_per_type: [AppointmentPerTypePerDayData!]
The count of appointments for each appointment type
appointments_per_type_count: [AppointmentTypeAppointmentCountData!]
The average amount of appointments per day
avg_per_day: Int
The difference between the current average amount of appointments and the average count of appointments in prior period
avg_per_day_percent_diff: Int
The busiest week day in selected period
busiest_days_of_week: [String]
When true, the data is in the process of being generated and stored in the cache.
cache_generation_in_progress: Boolean
The difference in contrast to previous period in percents
percent_diff: Int
The total appointment count
total_count: Int