A question in a template
· Boolean
· True if there are conditionally displayed custom modules which rely on state of this module copied_from_form_name
· String
· The name of the form this custom module has been originally copied from custom_module_condition
· CustomModuleConditionType
· The conditional logic for showing/hiding the custom module custom_module_form
· CustomModuleForm
· The template that this question is a part of custom_module_form_id
· String
· The ID of the template the question is a part of custom_module_form_section_id
· ID
· The ID of the form section this custom module belongs to. Used for autoscoring external_id
· String
· Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems external_id_type
· String
· Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems hipaa_name
· String
· The name to use in the HIPAA form options_array
· [String]
· The options, broken up into an array other_module_ids_to_autoscore_on
· [ID]
· IDs of of other modules to include in the autoscore calculation parent_custom_module_id
· String
· ID of the parent custom module position_integer
· Int
· Eventually will replace position, currently unused. The position of the question (the lower the earlier the question is shown) Used By
"""A question in a template"""type CustomModule { """ True if there are conditionally displayed custom modules which rely on state of this module """ controls_conditional_modules: Boolean
""" The name of the form this custom module has been originally copied from """ copied_from_form_name: String
""" The conditional logic for showing/hiding the custom module """ custom_module_condition: CustomModuleConditionType
""" The template that this question is a part of """ custom_module_form: CustomModuleForm
""" The ID of the template the question is a part of """ custom_module_form_id: String
""" The ID of the form section this custom module belongs to. Used for autoscoring """ custom_module_form_section_id: ID
""" Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems """ external_id: String
""" Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems """ external_id_type: String
""" The name to use in the HIPAA form """ hipaa_name: String
""" The unique identifier of the module """ id: ID!
""" Whether this module is a custom module """ is_custom: Boolean!
""" The label of the question """ label: String
""" A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000. """ metadata: String
""" The type of question """ mod_type: String
""" The default options for this question """ options: String
""" The options, broken up into an array """ options_array: [String]
""" IDs of of other modules to include in the autoscore calculation """ other_module_ids_to_autoscore_on: [ID]
""" ID of the parent custom module """ parent_custom_module_id: String
""" The position of the question (the lower the earlier the question is shown) """ position: Float
""" Eventually will replace position, currently unused. The position of the question (the lower the earlier the question is shown) """ position_integer: Int
""" Whether this question is required to be completed before the form it's in can be saved """ required: Boolean
""" The sublabel (description) of the question """ sublabel: String}