a subscription object
· String
· When a customer cancels, or is set to cancel, this will be a datetime of when access will cease amount_saved_if_plan_switched
· Int
· Amount difference if switching to annual/monthly amount_savings_on_base_plan
· String
· Amount savings from monthly to annual annual_total
· String
· Total cost of subscription for the year card_expiration
· String
· Expiration of credit card on Stripe card_expired
· Boolean
· Returns true if card is expired client_count
· Int
· Number of clients under the user that owns the subscription cost_of_annual_base_plan
· String
· Cost per month of annual plan days_left_in_trial
· Int
· Shows how many days are left in the users trial discounts
· [Discount!]
· Discounts currently active on Stripe account discounts_if_switched
· [Discount!]
· Array of discounts applied in Stripe (most possible is 2) has_scheduled_change
· Boolean
· Returns true if there is already a scheduled subscription change on this account invoice_if_switched
· StripeInvoice
· Example of next invoice if switching plan is_trialing
· Boolean
· Returns true if the user is trialing last_invoice
· StripeInvoice
· Last attempted invoice in Stripe locked_out_at
· String
· When the user is scheduled to be locked out due to non-payment month_total
· String
· Total cost of subscription for the month monthly_cost_of_annual_base_plan
· String
· Cost per month of annual plan monthly_cost_of_base_plan
· String
· Cost per month for base plan paid_for_providers
· String
· The number of providers that the subscription covers paid_for_support
· String
· The number of support staff that the subscription covers percent_change_if_plan_switched
· Int
· Percent difference if switching to annual/monthly percent_savings_on_base_plan
· Int
· Percent savings from monthly to annual plan_add_ons
· [StripePlan!]
· Array of line items applied to Stripe subscription other than base plan (i.e fax line, extra providers, office ally etc.) set_to_cancel
· Boolean
· Returns true if the user is set to cancel stripe_balance
· String
· Remaining balance on stripe customer stripe_plan
· String
· Stripe Subscription plan name stripe_subscription_id
· String
· The ID of the subscription in Stripe upcoming_invoice
· StripeInvoice
· Upcoming invoice in Stripe Used By
"""a subscription object"""type SubscriptionInstance { """ When a customer cancels, or is set to cancel, this will be a datetime of when access will cease """ access_will_stop_at: String
""" Amount difference if switching to annual/monthly """ amount_saved_if_plan_switched: Int
""" Amount savings from monthly to annual """ amount_savings_on_base_plan: String
""" Total cost of subscription for the year """ annual_total: String
""" Expiration of credit card on Stripe """ card_expiration: String
""" Returns true if card is expired """ card_expired: Boolean
""" Type of credit card on Stripe (Mastercard, Visa, Amex, etc.) """ card_type: String
""" Number of clients under the user that owns the subscription """ client_count: Int
""" Cost per month of annual plan """ cost_of_annual_base_plan: String
""" Shows how many days are left in the users trial """ days_left_in_trial: Int
""" Discounts currently active on Stripe account """ discounts: [Discount!]
""" Array of discounts applied in Stripe (most possible is 2) """ discounts_if_switched: [Discount!]
""" Returns true if there is already a scheduled subscription change on this account """ has_scheduled_change: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the subscription """ id: ID!
""" The interval of the subscription """ interval: String
""" Example of next invoice if switching plan """ invoice_if_switched: StripeInvoice
""" Returns true if the user is trialing """ is_trialing: Boolean
""" Last four digits of credit card on Stripe """ last_four: String
""" Last attempted invoice in Stripe """ last_invoice: StripeInvoice
""" When the user is scheduled to be locked out due to non-payment """ locked_out_at: String
""" Total cost of subscription for the month """ month_total: String
""" Cost per month of annual plan """ monthly_cost_of_annual_base_plan: String
""" Cost per month for base plan """ monthly_cost_of_base_plan: String
""" The number of providers that the subscription covers """ paid_for_providers: String
""" The number of support staff that the subscription covers """ paid_for_support: String
""" Percent difference if switching to annual/monthly """ percent_change_if_plan_switched: Int
""" Percent savings from monthly to annual """ percent_savings_on_base_plan: Int
""" Array of line items applied to Stripe subscription other than base plan (i.e fax line, extra providers, office ally etc.) """ plan_add_ons: [StripePlan!]
""" The ID of the plan in Healthie """ plan_id: String
""" Name of the plan in Stripe """ plan_name: String
""" Returns true if the user is set to cancel """ set_to_cancel: Boolean
""" Remaining balance on stripe customer """ stripe_balance: String
""" The ID of the customer in Stripe """ stripe_id: String
""" Stripe Subscription plan name """ stripe_plan: String
""" The ID of the subscription in Stripe """ stripe_subscription_id: String
""" Upcoming invoice in Stripe """ upcoming_invoice: StripeInvoice
""" Owner of this subscription """ user: User
""" The ID of the user who owns the subscription """ user_id: String}