An object containing availability ranges for a provider
· String
· If not nil, the specific location the availability is for appointment_type_id
· Int
· If not nil, the specific appointment type the availability is for contact_type_id
· Int
· If not nil, the specific contact type the availability is for day_of_week
· Int
· The 0-indexed day of the week the availability is on duration_string
· String
· Duration between range start and range end in hours and minutes. Example:(4h 20min) is_repeating
· Boolean
· The status of whether the availability repeats every week origin_start_date
· String
· The origin start of the availability range_start
· String
· The start of the datetime of the availability repeating_availability_id
· ID
· Availability ID resourceId
· String
· The ID of the user, used for the calendar timezone_abbr
· String
· Timezone abbreviation of the availability time range Used By
"""An object containing availability ranges for a provider"""type Availability { """ If not nil, the specific location the availability is for """ appointment_location_id: String
""" If not nil, the specific appointment type the availability is for """ appointment_type_id: Int
""" If not nil, the specific contact type the availability is for """ contact_type_id: Int
""" The 0-indexed day of the week the availability is on """ day_of_week: Int
""" Duration between range start and range end in hours and minutes. Example:(4h 20min) """ duration_string: String
""" The end date of the availability """ end_on: String
""" The unique identifier of the availability """ id: ID!
""" The status of whether the availability repeats every week """ is_repeating: Boolean
""" The origin start of the availability """ origin_start_date: String
""" The end of the datetime of the availability """ range_end: String
""" The start of the datetime of the availability """ range_start: String
""" Availability ID """ repeating_availability_id: ID
""" The ID of the user, used for the calendar """ resourceId: String
""" Timezone abbreviation of the availability time range """ timezone_abbr: String
""" Provider this availability belongs to """ user: User
""" The ID of the person who the availability is for """ user_id: Int}