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Autogenerated input type of createFormAnswerGroup


deprecated DO NOT USE
deprecated This argument is no longer needed. Empty `individual_client_notes` are created automatically
metadata · String · Maximum character limit of 128,000.
updated_at · String · Requires additional permissions to edit
onboarding_item_id · ID · Creation of a form_answer_group in the context of an onboarding_item_id

Used By


Autogenerated input type of createFormAnswerGroup
input createFormAnswerGroupInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
appointment_id: ID
course_id: String
course_item_id: ID
created_at: String
custom_module_form_id: String
date: String
dismissed_lock_charting_note_warning: Boolean = false
@deprecated(reason: "Not used")
external_id: String
finished: Boolean
form_answers: [FormAnswerInput]
formatted_date: String
individual_client_notes: [IndividualClientNoteInput]
reason: "This argument is no longer needed. Empty `individual_client_notes` are created automatically"
marked_complete: Boolean
marked_locked: Boolean
name: String
Maximum character limit of 128,000.
metadata: String
requested_form_completion_id: ID = null
set_initial_answers: Boolean
time: String
Requires additional permissions to edit
updated_at: String
user_id: String
Creation of a form_answer_group in the context of an onboarding_item_id
onboarding_item_id: ID = null