Offering Coupon
· String
· The amount off due to this offering coupon amount_off_string
· String
· The amount off due to this offering coupon applies_to_string
· String
· The time this offering coupon is applied deleted_at
· String
· The time at which this offering coupon was deleted expires_at
· String
· The date the promo code expires at flat_amount_off
· String
· The flat amount off due to this offering coupon is_expired
· Boolean!
· required · The coupon is expired or valid, returns true if coupon is expired number_of_times_used
· String
· The amount of times the offering coupon has been used offering_coupon_owner
· User
· The owner of this Offering Coupon package_connection_names
· [String!]
· Names of offerings this coupon is connected to promo_type
· String
· The promo type of this offering coupon repeat_times
· String
· The repeat times of this offering coupon to_one_line
· String
· concatenated string of amount off string and applies to string usage_limit
· String
· The amount of times the offering coupon can be used Used By
"""Offering Coupon"""type OfferingCoupon { """ The amount off due to this offering coupon """ amount_off: String
""" The amount off due to this offering coupon """ amount_off_string: String
""" The time this offering coupon is applied """ applies_to_string: String
""" The code of this offering coupon """ code: String
""" The time at which this offering coupon was created """ created_at: String!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The time at which this offering coupon was deleted """ deleted_at: String
""" The date the promo code expires at """ expires_at: String
""" The flat amount off due to this offering coupon """ flat_amount_off: String
""" The unique identifier of the coupon """ id: ID!
""" The coupon is expired or valid, returns true if coupon is expired """ is_expired: Boolean!
""" The coupon is expired or valid, returns true if the coupon is valid """ is_valid: Boolean!
""" The amount of times the offering coupon has been used """ number_of_times_used: String
""" The owner of this Offering Coupon """ offering_coupon_owner: User
""" Names of offerings this coupon is connected to """ package_connection_names: [String!]
""" The promo type of this offering coupon """ promo_type: String
""" The repeat times of this offering coupon """ repeat_times: String
""" concatenated string of amount off string and applies to string """ to_one_line: String
""" The time at which this offering coupon was last updated at """ updated_at: String!
""" The amount of times the offering coupon can be used """ usage_limit: String
""" The user id who created this offering coupon """ user_id: String}