Autogenerated input type of completeCheckout
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEappointment_ids
· [ID]
· An array of group appointment IDs. When passed in, the user will be registered for all at the same time. legal_name
· String
· Optional: The user's legal first name payment_intent_id
· ID
· Currently just used for Klarna. The ID of the completed payment intent that should be used to completed the checkout. Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of completeCheckout"""input completeCheckoutInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") appointment_id: String
""" An array of group appointment IDs. When passed in, the user will be registered for all at the same time. """ appointment_ids: [ID] appointment_location_id: String appointment_type_id: String contact_type: String coupon_code: String date: String email: String first_name: String form_answer_group: CheckoutFormAnswerGroupInput gift: GiftInput intake_flow_uuid: String is_gift: Boolean is_joining_waitlist: Boolean last_name: String
""" Optional: The user's legal first name """ legal_name: String location: String offering_id: String
""" Currently just used for Klarna. The ID of the completed payment intent that should be used to completed the checkout. """ payment_intent_id: ID phone_number: String price: String provider_id: String reason: String requested_payment_id: String stripe_idempotency_key: String timezone: String
""" Token for credit card, created by Stripe.JS """ token: String}