Fetch an array of prescriptions for a given patient pulled from Dosespot
· ID
· Boolean
· Filter to most recent by written date prescription based on dispensable drug id + product name, defaults as true, ignored unless passed with a status in [active, inactive, pending, error, hidden] current_only
· Boolean
· Filter out any future effective dated prescriptions, defaults to true Returns
query prescriptions( $patient_id: ID $status: String $make_unique: Boolean $current_only: Boolean) { prescriptions( patient_id: $patient_id status: $status make_unique: $make_unique current_only: $current_only ) { comment date_inactive date_written days_supply directions dosage dose_form drug_classification effective_date encounter id is_urgent last_fill_date ndc no_substitutions otc pharmacy pharmacy_notes prescriber_name product_name quantity refills route rx_reference_number rxcui schedule status unit }}