An association between conversation holders
· String
· The date the conversation was closed community_chat
· Boolean
· Indicates whether the conversation is a community chat. community_chat_prefix
· String
· Display default name for community chat conversation_memberships
· [ConversationMembership!]!
· required · All ConversationMemberships associated with this conversation. conversation_memberships_count
· Int
· The number of users in the conversation current_user_conversation_membership
· ConversationMembership
· The conversation membership for the current user dietitian_id
· ID
· ID of dietitian first_four_invitees
· [User!]
· first four invitees to the conversation includes_multiple_clients
· Boolean
· Whether the conversation includes multiple clients Boolean
· Whether the conversation is hidden for the client last_message_content
· String
· The content of the last note, with HTML stripped last_note_viewed_id
· String
· ID of the last note of conversation that was sent by the convo owner and viewed by the patient patient_id
· ID
· ID of patient user_groups
· [UserGroup!]
· invitees to the conversation Used By
"""An association between conversation holders"""type Conversation { """ The user who closed the conversation """ closed_by: User
""" The date the conversation was closed """ closed_date: String
""" Indicates whether the conversation is a community chat. """ community_chat: Boolean
""" Display default name for community chat """ community_chat_prefix: String
""" All ConversationMemberships associated with this conversation. """ conversation_memberships: [ConversationMembership!]!
""" The number of users in the conversation """ conversation_memberships_count: Int
""" The time the Conversation was created """ created_at: String!
""" The conversation membership for the current user """ current_user_conversation_membership: ConversationMembership
""" ID of dietitian """ dietitian_id: ID
""" first four invitees to the conversation """ first_four_invitees: [User!]
""" The unique identifier of the conversation """ id: ID!
""" Whether the conversation includes multiple clients """ includes_multiple_clients: Boolean
""" The invitees to the conversation """ invitees: [User!]
""" Whether the conversation is hidden for the client """ is_hidden_for_client: Boolean
""" The content of the last note, with HTML stripped """ last_message_content: String
""" ID of the last note of conversation that was sent by the convo owner and viewed by the patient """ last_note_viewed_id: String
""" The subject of conversation """ name: String
""" All notes associated with this conversation. """ notes: [Note!]!
""" owner of conversation """ owner: User
""" ID of patient """ patient_id: ID
""" The last time the conversation was updated """ updated_at: String!
""" invitees to the conversation """ user_groups: [UserGroup!]}