Autogenerated input type of updateUser
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEavatar_string
· String
· image in Base64 format deprecated
Use `dismissed_calendar_prompt` insteadUsed By
"""Autogenerated input type of updateUser"""input updateUserInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") active_care_plan_id: ID assign_tasks_seen: Boolean avatar: Upload
""" image in Base64 format """ avatar_string: String blast_seen: Boolean card_type_label: String consented_to_labs: Boolean current_email: String current_password: String default_onboarding_flow_id: ID dimissed_calendar_prompt: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `dismissed_calendar_prompt` instead") dismissed_calendar_prompt: Boolean dismissed_charting_note_addendum_warning: Boolean dismissed_insurance_eligibility_warning: Boolean dismissed_fullscript: Boolean dismissed_products_tab: Boolean dob: String email: String first_name: String gender: String gender_identity: String gender_identity_code: String human_id: ID id: ID last_name: String legal_name: String locations: [ClientLocationInput]
""" This field does not do anything, and should not be used """ name: String password: String password_confirmation: String phone_number: String policies: [UserPolicyInput] preferred_language_code: String pretend_to_be: String primary_ethnicity_code: String primary_race_code: String product_update_articles: Int pronouns: String qualifications: String resend_welcome_to_dietitian: Boolean secondary_ethnicity_code: Int secondary_race_code: String seen_onboarding_complete_page: Boolean seen_welcome: Boolean send_get_mobile_app_email: Boolean sex: String sexual_orientation_code: String sexual_orientation_other: String skipped_email: Boolean submit_labs_immediately: Boolean timezone: String
""" Token for credit card, created by Stripe.JS """ token: String uniq_push_id: String}