An user entry, returns basic user information
· String
· Access Token (for iCal) accessed_account
· Boolean
· (Only Valid For new Sign-ins/Ups after 2024-12-01) When true, indicates the user has accessed their own Healthie account. active_care_plan
· CarePlan
· Active care plan for the user active_group_care_plan
· CarePlan
· Active group care plan for the user active_patients_count
· Int
· A number of all active patients associated with this user. active_tags
· [Tag!]
· A collection of tags applied on the specific user additional_client_profile_items
· [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
· required · Additional tabs to display within the provider's view of the client profile additional_header_dropdown_items
· [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
· required · Additional links to display within gear menu in patient's header additional_phone_number
· String
· additional phone number for user additional_record_identifier
· String
· additional unique record identifier for user additional_sidebar_items
· [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
· required · Additional links to display on patient sidebar advance_appointment_prices
· [AdvanceAppointmentPrice!]
· Appointment prices associated with this user all_verification_fields
· [String]
· All Verification fields left for the provider to fill out allergy_sensitivities
· [AllergySensitivity!]
· Allergies, Sensitivities, Intolerances, and Preferences reported by client allow_community_chat
· Boolean
· Allow the user to send messages in community chat allow_direct_chat
· Boolean
· Allow the user to send direct messages in chat announcements
· [Announcement!]!
· required · All announcements associated with this user. For a dietitian it returns all announcements created including those created in organization if applicable. For a patient it returns announcements generated by his/her dietitian. any_incomplete_onboarding_steps
· Boolean
· If the user has incomplete onboarding steps any_shared_courses
· Boolean
· If the user has courses shared with them any_shared_documents
· Boolean
· If the user has docs shared with them any_shared_incomplete_courses
· Boolean
· If the user has courses shared with them any_unviewed_documents
· Boolean
· Whether the user has docs shared with them that they have not viewed apple_health
· AppleHealth
· AppleHealth for the user appointment_locations
· [AppointmentLocation!]
· Appointment Locations for the user appointment_setting
· AppointmentSetting
· Appointment Settings for the user appointment_type_credits
· [AppointmentTypeCredit!]!
· required · All Appointment Type Credits for this user appointment_types
· [AppointmentType!]!
· required · All available appointment types for the provider. appointments
· [Appointment!]
· Appointments for the user archived_at
· String
· Datetime of archival. This field will only be populated with archived changes made after Aug 7, 2023 assign_tasks_seen
· Boolean
· If true, user has seen popup explaining how to assign providers and clients to tasks assigned_tasks
· [Task!]
· Tasks assigned by the user to other users auto_charge_enabled
· Boolean!
· required · When false, the user is opted out of the automatic charge feature. available_contact_types
· String
· All available contact types for the provider. avatar_url
· String
· The link to the avatar image (nil if no image has been uploaded) bank_account_verified_status
· String
· The status of the user's bank account bank_verification_deadline
· String
· If user still has verification steps for stripe, returns deadline timestamp blast_seen
· Boolean
· If a user has seen the message blast alert bmi_percentile
· String
· Displays bmi percentile for growth charts bmi_percentile_standard
· String
· Displays standard by which bmi percentile is calculated brand_alt_logo_url
· String
· The URL of the brand's alternative logo brand_logo_url
· String
· The URL of the brand logo brand_name
· String
· The Brand Name Of the User branded_name
· String
· The name of the Brand broken_synced_cal
· ExternalCalendar
· Broken synced calendar calendar_text
· String
· HTML String to display on top of the calendar calendar_timezone
· String
· Calendar timezone call_references
· [CallReference!]
· Call references made for a patient's insurances can_access_zus
· Boolean
· If true, has Zus credential can_add_clients
· Boolean
· Allow the user to add clients can_add_members
· Boolean
· If the provider can add members can_archive_clients
· Boolean
· If true this user to archive clients can_charge_clients
· Boolean
· Allow this user to charge clients can_check_eligibility
· Boolean
· Allow the user to Check Eligibility can_delete_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If true, the user can delete charting notes can_delete_faxes
· Boolean
· If true this user to delete faxes can_edit_appointment_types
· Boolean
· If true, the user to edit Appointment Types can_edit_brand
· Boolean
· If true, the user can edit brand can_edit_credit
· Boolean
· If true, the user can edit client credit can_edit_docs
· Boolean
· If true, the user can edit org documents can_edit_forms
· Boolean
· If the provider can edit forms can_edit_members
· Boolean
· If the provider can edit members can_edit_org_calendar
· Boolean
· If true, the user to edit org calendar can_edit_packages
· Boolean
· If true, the user can edit packages can_edit_products
· Boolean
· If true, the user can add, edit and delete products can_edit_program_clients
· Boolean
· If true, the user can add or remove clients within programs can_edit_programs
· Boolean
· If true, the user can edit programs can_edit_settings
· Boolean
· Allow the user to edit account settings can_have_suborgs
· Boolean
· If the provider organization can have suborgs can_insert_suborgs
· Boolean
· If the user can add suborgs can_lock_others_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If true, the user can lock other providers charting notes can_lock_own_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If true, the user can lock their own charting notes can_mark_assigned_tasks_to_other_org_members_as_completed
· Boolean
· If the provider can mark tasks that are assigned to other org members as completed can_merge_clients
· Boolean
· If true, the user can merge clients can_order_labs
· Boolean
· If true, can order new lab using labs widget can_schedule_appointments
· Boolean
· Allow this user to schedule appointments (Linked accounts) can_see_fullscript_tab
· Boolean
· If true, user can see products tab in client profile and see fullscript box on homepage if not linked to fullscript can_see_insurance_authorization
· Boolean
· Show insurance info for a client can_see_option_to_use_erx_dosespot
· Boolean
· When true, the user should see option to use erx dosespot can_see_transfers
· Boolean
· If true, can view transfer tab in billing page can_sign_others_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If true, the user can sign other providers charting notes can_sign_own_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If true, the user can sign their own charting notes can_unlock_charting_notes
· Boolean
· If `true`, the user can unlock charting notes. Always `true` for org owners and providers w/o an org can_view_labs
· Boolean
· If true, can access to labs widget can_write_org_addendums
· Boolean
· If True, the user will be able to add addendums for an other org member locked form answer groups cannot_access_org_member_settings
· Boolean
· If true, the user cannot access org settings cannot_lock_form_answer_groups
· Boolean
· If True, the user will not be able to lock form answer groups deprecated
Use can_lock_own_charting_notes insteadcard_issues_count
· Int
· Fetch paginated stripe customer accounts with associated errors or soon to expire credit cards cda_validation_errors_json
· String
· A JSON object containing validation errors for the patient's CDA file chameleon_hash
· String
· Hash for Chameleon change_healthcare_insurance_eligibility_connected
· Boolean
· When true, user will be able to check insurance eligibility via Change Healthcare claim_destination_options
· [ClaimDestinationIntegration!]
· Clearinghouse/RCM destinations that the user can submit to clearstep_connection
· ShapaConnection
· Clearstep Connection for the user. If the Shapa integration is enabled, then the Clearstep integration should automatically appear as enabled client_restriction_authorizations
· [ClientRestrictionAuthorization!]
· Authorizations allowing access to this user client_source
· ClientSource
· Info about how a user was acquired completed_tasks
· [Task!]
· Completed Tasks of organization if user has permission, or user if not consented_to_labs
· Boolean
· Whether the user has accepted the lab order waiver consents_required
· [String!]
· List of consents required course_membership_via_course
· CourseMembership
· course membership scoped by specific course course_memberships
· [CourseMembership!]
· All course memberships for this user deprecated
This field has a typo. use User.course_memberships insteadcreated_at
· String
· The date this user created an account credit_balance
· String
· The credit balance of the user current_summary
· GeneratedSummary
· The most recent generated summary. Null if no summary has been generated custom_custom_emails
· [CustomEmail!]
· All custom custom emails associated with this user. default_currency
· String
· The default currency for the user default_dosespot_clinic_id
· ID
· When set for a client, the provider's Dosespot iFrame will launch into this clinic. When null, the Dosespot iframe will launch into the provider's default clinic. This will error unless the provider is connected to that clinic in Dosespot. Only used for patients. default_eligibility_check_service
· EligibilityCheckService
· Default eligibility check service to use. Nil if none available or if user is a patient default_external_video_url
· String
· Default external videochat URL for scheduling with this user default_onboarding_flow
· OnboardingFlow
· The id of the users default onboarding flow default_onboarding_flow_id
· String
· The id of the users default onboarding flow default_pharmacy
· Pharmacy
· Patient's default pharmacy. Only applicable to dosespot users default_stripe_customer_detail_id
· ID
· Default stripe payment card devices_unavailability
· Boolean
· Check that user has no video or audio devices (or both) dexcom_connection
· DexcomConnection
· Dexcom Connection for the user diagnoses
· [Diagnosis!]
· diagnoses for the user dietitian_id
· String
· The Dietitian ID of the Client dimissed_calendar_prompt
· Boolean
· Dismisses a small advertisement about the ability to sync calendars deprecated
Use `dismissed_calendar_prompt` insteaddismissed_calendar_prompt
· Boolean
· Dismisses a small advertisement about the ability to sync calendars dismissed_charting_note_addendum_warning
· Boolean
· Dismisses a notice warn about charting note addendum dismissed_fullscript
· Boolean
· If true, do not show fullscript box in provider homepage dismissed_insurance_eligibility_warning
· Boolean
· Dismisses the warning while insurance eligibility checking should not be shown dismissed_lock_charting_note_warning
· Boolean
· Dismisses the warning while locking a charting note should not be shown deprecated
Not useddismissed_products_tab
· Boolean
· If true, do not show fullscript box in provider homepage displayed_brand
· Brand
· The Brand that controls the look of the website for the user doc_share_id
· String
· An ID used for document, course, and conversation sharing dosespot_notification_count
· Int
· Number of notifications from Dosespot (e-prescriptions) dosespot_patient_id
· String
· Dosespot assigned ID for this patient. nil if the patient is not connected to Dosespot eligibility_checking_connected
· Boolean
· When true, user has an eligibility checking service connected erx_dosespot_role
· String
· The erx dosespot role estimated_future_payouts
· Float
· Amount of money waiting to be paid out, as a float expired_client_cards_count
· Int
· Patient cards that have expired (requires can_see_billing for org level patients) expiring_client_cards_count
· Int
· Patient cards that will expire by next recurring payment (requires can_see_billing for org level patients) family_history_conditions
· [FamilyHistoryCondition!]
· Family history conditions for user fax_line_request
· FaxLineRequest
· Fax line request data fax_number
· String
· Fax number belonging to the user feature_toggle
· FeatureToggle
· Feature Toggle of the user first_client_entry_date
· String
· Date of the first client entry first_name
· String
· The first (preferred) name of this user first_name_last_initial
· String
· The first name and last initial of the user food_entries_count
· String
· The number of food entries the user has form_answer_groups
· [FormAnswerGroup!]
· All filled out forms for this user formatted_estimated_future_payouts
· String
· Formatted string of money waiting to be paid out, including currency symbol full_legal_name
· String
· The full legal name of this user full_legal_name_with_preferred
· String
· The full legal name of this user with preferred name in parentheses. e.g 'Jonathan (Jon) Jones'
· fullscript
· Fullscript for the user fullscript_practitioner_id
· String
· Practitioner id for the user's Fullscript account gender_identity
· String
· Gender identity of user (typically nil unless gender field is 'Other') gender_identity_code
· String
· User gender identity code generated_reports_folder_id
· String
· id of generated reports folder goals_count
· String
· The Number of goals the user has google_calendar
· ExternalCalendar
· The Google Calendar Account for this user. Must be an admin or authenticated as the user to access google_fit
· GoogleFit
· Google Fit for the user group_name
· String
· The name of the patients user group has_access_to_client_portal_setting_in_notification_contact
· Boolean
· When true, the user can see client portal setting in notification contact form has_access_to_cms_1500s_content
· Boolean
· When true, the user can access CMS 1500 content in the CMS 1500 tab has_access_to_insurance_billing_automation
· Boolean
· When true, the user can see insurance billing automation features has_access_to_sign_up_on_dosespot
· Boolean
· When true, the user can see the connect button to sign up on dosespot on the settings integrations section has_access_to_zus_megazap_component
· Boolean
· When true, the user can see the zus megazap component deprecated
Megazap is now enabled by default, so this is always truehas_ai_scribe
· Boolean
· True if the user's org has AI Scribe enabled has_any_entry_types
· Boolean
· If true, user has at least one entry type to track has_api_access
· Boolean
· If the user's organization has API access has_available_mobile_app
· Boolean
· If true, the user has access to download the mobile app has_bookable_appts
· Boolean
· (Considered public) If true, the user has bookable appts has_bookable_packages
· Boolean
· (Considered public) If true, the user has bookable packages has_change_health
· Boolean
· True if the user has change health connection has_completed_intake_forms
· Boolean
· If true, the user has completed their intake forms has_courses
· Boolean
· If courses exist for an organization or provider has_created_password
· Boolean
· If true, the user has created a password has_custom_color_schemes
· Boolean
· Allow the user to change the color of their calendar has_custom_food
· Boolean
· Check if user has any custom food item has_custom_meals
· Boolean
· Check if user has any created meals has_custom_scheduling_prioritization
· Boolean
· When true, the user can set scheduling priority levels for providers has_custom_text_reminders
· Boolean
· When true, the user can have custom text for SMS reminders for specific appointment types has_developer_access
· Boolean
· If the user is marked as a developer and can modify webhooks and api keys. has_dosespot
· Boolean
· If true, user is a provider with a dosespot account linked has_e_labs_access
· Boolean
· If true, user meets prerequisites to order e-labs. Only supports Vital. has_enterprise_plan
· Boolean
· If True, the user has enterprise plan has_expanded_vbc_charting_fields
· Boolean
· If True, the user has expanded vbc charting fields has_external_videochat_urls
· Boolean
· True if the user can add external videochat URLs has_forms_to_complete
· Boolean
· TRUE if the patient has not finished form requests or incomplete onboarding items has_fullscript
· Boolean
· If true, the user has connected their Fullscript account to Healthie has_future_availabilities
· Boolean
· If true, the user have available appointment slots in future has_goal_title_links
· Boolean
· True if the user has access to goal title links has_inbound_faxing
· Boolean
· Can the user receive inbound faxes? has_increased_branding
· Boolean
· Allow this user to access increased branding has_insurance_pay
· Boolean
· Insurance Pay checks to see if there IS an insurance policy for the client has_invalid_dosespot_info
· Boolean
· If true, patient's most recent demographic information(phone, dob, location, gender, name) could not be updated in dosespot because information is invalid has_lab_orders
· Boolean
· True if the user has any lab orders has_lab_testing_api_orders
· Boolean
· Whether users have a lab order from lab_testing_api has_living_plate
· Boolean
· If true, user is a provider with a living plate linked has_marked_as_no_show_email
· Boolean
· When true, the user can have a custom email sent out when an appointment is marked as no-show has_marked_as_rescheduled_email
· Boolean
· When true, the user can have a custom email sent out when an appointment is marked as rescheduled has_org_chat_access
· Boolean
· True if user is able to see conversations of all organization members has_other_org_members
· Boolean
· Check to see if the user has any other active org members has_own_appointment_setting
· Boolean
· When true, the user has their own appointment setting has_own_custom_emails
· Boolean
· When true, the user has their own custom emails has_past_rescheduling_settings
· Boolean
· When true, the provider can control settings around allow rescheduling past appointments. has_plus_or_above_plan
· Boolean
· Whether or not this user has plus plan and above has_practice_plus
· Boolean
· True if the user has PP features has_recent_payments
· Boolean
· Has had payment in the last 30 days has_rupa_health
· Boolean
· True if the user has rupa connection has_self_pay
· Boolean
· Self Pay checks to see if there is NOT an insurance policy for the client has_shared_appt_setting_with_org
· Boolean
· If true, user has shared appointment settings with at least one member in org has_state_licensing_restrictions
· Boolean
· If the provider controls settings around enforcing state licensing restrictions for appointments has_stripe_id_from_parent_org
· Boolean
· If true, suborganization owner has stripe account from the parent organization owner has_synced_cal
· Boolean
· Whether the user has a synced calendar has_type_specific_appointment_settings
· Boolean
· When true, the user can set appointment settings for specific appointment types has_user_groups
· Boolean
· Check to see if the user has any user groups has_user_switch_options
· Boolean
· Check to see if the user can switch to another user has_zoom_access
· Boolean
· True if the user is allowed to use Zoom heads_up_health_sso_link
· String
· Heads Up Health SSO link for user; always returns nil if Heads Up Health add-on is not enabled height_percentile
· String
· Displays height percentile for growth charts height_percentile_standard
· String
· Displays standard by which height percentile is calculated height_str
· String
· String of height including units helpscout_hash
· String
· Hash for Help Scout immunizations
· [Immunization!]
· A collection of immunizations for this client implantable_devices_users
· [ImplantableDeviceUser!]
· Implantable device users for the user in_multiple_providers_org
· Boolean
· True if User organization with multiple providers deprecated
As of Jan 2025, this is always true as users are always in an organizationincomplete_tasks
· [Task!]
· Incomplete Tasks of organization if user has permissions, or user if not insurance_authorization
· InsuranceAuthorizationType
· Insurance Authorization for this user intercom_hash
· String
· Hash for intercom deprecated
NO LONGER USEDinvalid_e_labs_fields
· String
· The required but invalid or missing fields required for ordering e-labs; empty string if all fields are present/valid. Only supports Vital. invite_code
· String
· The invite code for the provider invoices_filter
· String
· Get filter string for user invoices is_active_provider
· Boolean
· Check if the user is an active provider in an organization is_chat_autoresponding
· Boolean
· True if chat autoresponding is active is_first_time_provider
· Boolean
· boolean for if the user has ever logged in to Healthie as a provider is_org_admin
· Boolean
· True if the user an organization admin is_org_with_multiple_users
· Boolean
· If true, the user is in an organization with more than one user is_patient
· Boolean
· the status of whether the user is a patient or not is_super_admin
· Boolean
· Whether a user is a super admin is_trialing
· String
· Whether the user is trialing knows_about_provider
· Boolean
· If the user aware they switched providers on specific login (can only do for current user) kustomer_api_key
· String
· The client-side Kustomer API Key. (Only applies to specific custom whitelabels) deprecated
NO LONGER USEDlast_active
· String
· last date user was active through web or mobile last_activity
· String
· last date the user was active last_activity_string
· String
· String of the last date the user was active last_app
· Appointment
· The User's last active appointment object last_billing_item
· BillingItem
· the last payment made by client last_conversation_id
· String
· id of last conversation last_sign_in_at
· String
· last date the user signed in last_updated_allergy
· AllergySensitivity
· Last time allergy/sensitivity was updated last_weighing_date
· String
· The last weighing date of the user latest_article_link
· String
· Link to most recent roadmap article on helpscout latest_article_number
· Int
· Last product roadmap article number legal_name
· String
· The legal first name of this user license_num
· String
· license number of user line_graph_metric_categories
· [String]
· Graphs to show in line graph form linked_relatives
· [NotificationContact!]
· A collections of users who are in relationship with this client living_plate_magic_link
· String
· Link automatically signs user into Living plate dashboard without entering login credentials locations
· [Location!]
· All available locations for the client. medications_count
· Int
· Fetch count of medications for a given patient metric_entries_count
· String
· The number of metric entries the user has mirror_entries_count
· String
· The number of mirror entries the user has money_owed
· String
· The amount of money the user owes. If the user is a provider this will return 0 next_app
· Appointment
· The User's next upcoming active appointment object next_appointment
· String
· The User's next upcoming active appointment date (method) deprecated
use next_appt_date insteadnext_appt_date
· String
· The Users next upcoming active appointment date (field) next_onboarding_step
· OnboardingItem
· The next onboarding item that the user has to fill next_recurring_payment
· RecurringPayment
· Recurring payment with next upcoming payment date next_required_step
· String
· The next step preventing the user from moving forward. nil if user has completed all steps notification_contacts
· [NotificationContact!]
· notification contacts for the user notification_setting
· NotificationSetting
· Notification Settings for the user num_entries
· String
· Number of entries for the client offering_coupons
· [OfferingCoupon!]
· All offering_coupons associated with this provider. onc_gender_identity
· String
· User onc gender identity open_payments_count
· Int
· The number open payments for the user org_name_or_self_name
· String
· Returns name of the org if exists, otherwise returns full name organization
· Organization
· The user of the organization token organization_email
· String
· The contact email for this users organization organization_membership
· OrganizationMembership
· The organization membership of the user other_id_number
· OtherIdNumber
· Single Other ID number for the user other_id_numbers
· [OtherIdNumber!]
· All other id numbers for this user other_provider_ids
· [ID]
· The IDs of other care team members for the client outlook
· ExternalCalendar
· The Outlook Calendar Account for this user. Must be an admin or authenticated as the user to access paid_for_fax_status
· String
· Status paid for fax part_of_journify
· Boolean
· boolean for If a user is a part of the journify organization deprecated
NO LONGER USED.patient_has_cms1500_auto_submission_enabled
· Boolean
· When true, the user is a patient and has auto submit cms1500 enabled patients_count
· Int
· The number of all active patients associated with this user. patients_notification_count
· Int
· the number of notifications belonging to a patient patients_with_cc
· [User!]!
· required · All patients with a credit card on file associated with this user. permanently_disable_tz_prompt
· Boolean
· When true, the user will never be prompted to change their timezone phone_number
· String
· The phone number of the user place_of_service
· PlaceOfService
· Place of service for this user policiesOrderAscending
· [Policy!]
· All policies associated with this user preferred_language
· String
· Preferred language based on language code preferred_language_code
· String
· User preferred language code prescriptions_count
· Int
· Fetch count of prescriptions for a given patient pulled from Dosespot pretend_to_be
· String
· Displays administrator account as other user account primary_ethnicity
· String
· The primary ethnicity value based on ethnicity code primary_ethnicity_code
· String
· User primary ethnicity code primary_race
· String
· User primary race primary_race_code
· String
· User primary race code professions
· [Profession!]
· Professions of the user provider_appointment_locations
· [ProviderAppointmentLocation!]
· Provider appointment locations provider_has_cms1500_auto_submission_enabled
· Boolean
· When true, the user is a provider and has auto submit cms1500 enabled provider_restriction_authorizations
· [ClientRestrictionAuthorization!]
· Restriction authorizations owned by user purchased_meal_plans
· [MealPlan!]
· Meal Plans from Living Plate qualifications
· String
· qualifications of the user quick_notes
· String
· quicks notes for a given user reactivation_emails
· [CustomEmail!]
· All reactivation custom emails associated with this user. record_identifier
· String
· unique record identifier for user referrals
· [Referral!]
· referrals for the user referring_physicians
· [ReferringPhysician!]
· An array of referring physicians associated to all referrals associated with a client referring_provider_id
· String
· NPI of the referring provider referring_provider_name
· String
· Name of the referring provider referring_provider_npi
· String
· NPI of the referring provider reports_date_filter_selection
· ReportsDateFilterSelection
· The date range filter selections for each report requested_form_count
· Int
· The number of forms that have been requested for the user required_dosespot_fields
· String
· If true, the user is a patient with required fields to create dosespot patient. If false, then either the provider doesn't have a linked dosespot account, or the patient has all required fields. requires_reactivation
· Boolean
· User subscription has been inactive and needs to be reactivated before allowing access requires_shortened_trial
· Boolean
· User subscription has been inactive for 91+ days and should receive 7 day trial upon reactivation restricted
· Boolean
· If true, patients with sensitive information can only be accessed by creating a restriction authorization rupa_patient_id
· String
· Patient ID on the rupa health scheduling_priority
· String
· Providers with higher priority will be chosen first when availability is generated for self-scheduling. Defaults to 0 secondary_ethnicity
· String
· The secondary ethnicity value based on ethnicity code secondary_ethnicity_code
· String
· User secondary ethnicity code secondary_race
· String
· User secondary race secondary_race_code
· String
· User secondary race code seen_last_article
· Boolean
· True if user is up to date with all product roadmap articles set_password_link
· String
· A link that takes a user to set their password. This will return null if the user has set a password, or the authenticated user is not an admin sexual_orientation
· String
· Sexual orientation of the user sexual_orientation_code
· String
· The sexual orientation code of the user, corresponds to sexual orientation sexual_orientation_other
· String
· The sexual orientation value if other shapa_connection
· ShapaConnection
· Shapa Connection for the user shard_aware_id
· ID!
· required · An ID that includes the shard the user is on. Matches ID unless user is on a custom shard show_appointments_tab
· Boolean
· Show appointments tab on the sidebar show_billing_dropdown_item
· Boolean
· Show "Billing Dropdown" on patient sidebar show_billing_tab
· Boolean
· Show billing tab on the sidebar show_brand_tab
· Boolean
· Show brand link in the header show_care_plan_area
· Boolean
· Allow this user to view care plan (Linked accounts) show_chat_tab
· Boolean
· Show chat tab on the sidebar show_client_appointment_credits
· Boolean
· If to show the client credits in the UI show_cms1500s_tab
· Boolean
· Show Cms1500s tab on the sidebar show_dashboard
· Boolean
· Show the option to view the dashboard show_documents_tab
· Boolean
· Show documents tab on the sidebar show_education_tab
· Boolean
· Show education tab on the sidebar show_expanded_label
· Boolean
· Display DOB next to the name of the client show_forms_tab
· Boolean
· Show forms tab on the sidebar show_goals_area
· Boolean
· Allow this user to view goals (Linked accounts) show_integrations_dropdown_item
· Boolean
· Show "Integrations" option in gear menu show_journal_entries_area
· Boolean
· Allow this user to view journal entries (Linked accounts) show_org_tab
· Boolean
· Show the organization tab on sidebar show_packages_tab
· Boolean
· Show packages tab on the sidebar show_payment_methods_dropdown_item
· Boolean
· Show "Update Payment Methods" option in gear menu show_payments_tab
· Boolean
· Show payments tab on the sidebar show_received_fax_tab
· Boolean
· Show received fax tab on the sidebar show_reports_tab
· Boolean
· Show reports tab on the sidebar show_scheduled_chat_tab
· Boolean
· Show scheduled tab on the chat page show_sent_fax_tab
· Boolean
· Show sent fax tab on the sidebar show_subscription_link
· Boolean
· Show subscription link in the settings dropdown show_superbill_org_select
· Boolean
· If a user has seen the message blast alert show_superbills_tab
· Boolean
· Show Superbill tab on the sidebar sidebar_notification_count
· Int
· The total number of sidebar notifications to be displayed for the user skipped_bank_account
· Boolean
· True if the user skipped adding a bank account skipped_email
· Boolean
· The status of whether the user has a real email or not specialties
· [Specialty!]
· Specialties of the user state_licenses
· [StateLicense!]
· Returns a user state licenses stripe_customer_detail
· StripeCustomerDetail
· Stripe Info of the client stripe_customer_details
· [StripeCustomerDetail!]
· Stripe credit cards of the client stripe_person_id
· String
· ID of account representative in Stripe. Nil if not staff/provider subscription
· SubscriptionInstance
· Returns the subscription for this user. Nil if not staff/provider super_bill_address
· String
· Address to use on super bills super_bill_location
· Location
· Providers location to use on super bills super_bill_patient_location
· Location
· Patient location to use on super bills super_bill_phone_number
· String
· Provider's phone number to use on super bills switchable_users
· [User!]
· Other users this account can switch to switchable_users_count
· Int
· Number of other users this account can switch to tasks_count
· Int
· Number of tasks total_active_packages_with_credits
· Int
· Total active packages credits total_clients_with_appt_type_credits
· Int
· Total clients with appointment credits greater than 0 total_lab_orders
· Int
· Total count of the user lab orders objects true_human_id
· String
· The authenticated human if an account is masked unconfirmed_appointment_count
· Int
· The number unconfirmed appointments for the user unread_convo_count
· Int
· The number of unseen conversations for the user unscheduled_lab_orders_count
· Int
· The number of unscheduled lab orders unseen_appt_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen appointment notifications unseen_comment_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen comment notifications unseen_document_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen document notifications unseen_entry_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen entry notifications unseen_goal_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen goal notifications unseen_note_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen note notifications unseen_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen notifications for the user (mobile only) deprecated
use unseen_notifications_count_mobileunseen_notifications_count
· Int
· The number of unseen notifications for the user (web only) unseen_notifications_count_mobile
· Int
· The number of unseen notifications for the user (this field only used by mobile) [identical to :unseen_notification_count] unseen_payment_notification_count
· Int
· The number of unseen payment notifications unseen_sent_notification_records_count
· Int
· Number of unseen bounced notification records upcoming_appointments
· [Appointment!]
· All active upcoming appointments of the user upcoming_payments
· [RecurringPayment!]
· All active upcoming payments of the user updated_at
· String
· Date user was last updated uploaded_avatar_file_name
· String
· File name of uploaded avatar image user_group
· UserGroup
· User Group of this user user_group_id
· String
· The ID of the patient's user group user_who_invited_member
· User
· User of who sent this member an invite verification_fields
· [String]
· Verification fields left for the provider to fill out weight_percentile
· String
· Displays weight percentile for growth charts weight_percentile_standard
· String
· Displays standard by which weight percentile is calculated withings_connection
· WithingsConnection
· Withings Connection for the user workout_entries_count
· String
· The number of workout entries the user has zus_proxy_token
· String
· If user has Zus, returns Zus proxy token Used By
"""An user entry, returns basic user information"""type User { """ Access Token (for iCal) """ access_token: String
""" (Only Valid For new Sign-ins/Ups after 2024-12-01) When true, indicates the user has accessed their own Healthie account. """ accessed_account: Boolean
""" The status of whether the user is active or not (if false, patient is archived) """ active: Boolean!
""" Active care plan for the user """ active_care_plan: CarePlan
""" Active group care plan for the user """ active_group_care_plan: CarePlan
""" All active patients associated with this user. """ active_patients( """ If provided, only returns patients with this course """ course_id: ID
""" Search keywords """ keywords: String
""" Page offset """ offset: Int = 0
""" Enables pagination if true """ should_paginate: Boolean = false
""" If false, skip patients belonging to suborgs """ include_suborg_patients: Boolean = true ): [User!]!
""" A number of all active patients associated with this user. """ active_patients_count( """ If provided, only returns patients with this course """ course_id: ID ): Int
""" A collection of tags applied on the specific user """ active_tags: [Tag!]
""" Additional tabs to display within the provider's view of the client profile """ additional_client_profile_items: [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
""" Additional links to display within gear menu in patient's header """ additional_header_dropdown_items: [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
""" additional phone number for user """ additional_phone_number: String
""" additional unique record identifier for user """ additional_record_identifier: String
""" Additional links to display on patient sidebar """ additional_sidebar_items: [CustomSidebarOverride!]!
""" Appointment prices associated with this user """ advance_appointment_prices: [AdvanceAppointmentPrice!]
""" The user's lead dyno affiliate info """ affiliate: Affiliate @deprecated(reason: "NO LONGER USED")
""" The age of the user (in years) """ age: String
""" All Verification fields left for the provider to fill out """ all_verification_fields: [String]
""" Allergies, Sensitivities, Intolerances, and Preferences reported by client """ allergy_sensitivities( """ Only returns allergies with this category """ category: String
""" Only return current allergies """ is_current: Boolean = false
""" When true, only unreconciled objects are returned. Otherwise, they are not included """ unreconciled_from_ccda_ingest: Boolean = false ): [AllergySensitivity!]
""" Allow the user to send messages in community chat """ allow_community_chat( """ Set to true if all sent in users are known to be patients """ all_patients: Boolean = false ): Boolean
""" Allow the user to send direct messages in chat """ allow_direct_chat( """ Set to true if all sent in users are known to be patients """ all_patients: Boolean = false ): Boolean
""" All announcements associated with this user. For a dietitian it returns all announcements created including those created in organization if applicable. For a patient it returns announcements generated by his/her dietitian. """ announcements( """ If true, excludes announcements that patient has dismissed """ exclude_dismissed: Boolean ): [Announcement!]!
""" If the user has incomplete onboarding steps """ any_incomplete_onboarding_steps: Boolean
""" If the user has courses shared with them """ any_shared_courses: Boolean
""" If the user has docs shared with them """ any_shared_documents: Boolean
""" If the user has courses shared with them """ any_shared_incomplete_courses: Boolean
""" Whether the user has docs shared with them that they have not viewed """ any_unviewed_documents: Boolean
""" AppleHealth for the user """ apple_health: AppleHealth
""" Appointment Locations for the user """ appointment_locations: [AppointmentLocation!]
""" Appointment Settings for the user """ appointment_setting: AppointmentSetting
""" All Appointment Type Credits for this user """ appointment_type_credits( """ Only returns credits for this appointment type """ appointment_type_id: ID ): [AppointmentTypeCredit!]!
""" All available appointment types for the provider. """ appointment_types( """ Filter types by these ids """ appointment_type_ids: String
""" Only return bookable types """ require_client_bookable: Boolean ): [AppointmentType!]!
""" Appointments for the user """ appointments: [Appointment!]
""" Datetime of archival. This field will only be populated with archived changes made after Aug 7, 2023 """ archived_at: String
""" If true, user has seen popup explaining how to assign providers and clients to tasks """ assign_tasks_seen: Boolean
""" Tasks assigned by the user to other users """ assigned_tasks( """ The maximum number of tasks to return """ limit: Int
""" If true, return hidden tasks """ show_hidden: Boolean = false ): [Task!]
""" When false, the user is opted out of the automatic charge feature. """ auto_charge_enabled: Boolean!
""" All available contact types for the provider. """ available_contact_types: String
""" The link to the avatar image (nil if no image has been uploaded) """ avatar_url: String
""" The status of the user's bank account """ bank_account_verified_status: String
""" If user still has verification steps for stripe, returns deadline timestamp """ bank_verification_deadline: String
""" All Billing Items for this user """ billing_items: [BillingItem!]!
""" If a user has seen the message blast alert """ blast_seen: Boolean
""" Displays bmi percentile for growth charts """ bmi_percentile: String
""" Displays standard by which bmi percentile is calculated """ bmi_percentile_standard: String
""" The brand that the user made """ brand( """ If true, return the brand with all fields """ is_for_editing: Boolean = false ): Brand
""" The URL of the brand's alternative logo """ brand_alt_logo_url: String
""" The URL of the brand logo """ brand_logo_url: String
""" The Brand Name Of the User """ brand_name: String
""" The name of the Brand """ branded_name: String
""" Broken synced calendar """ broken_synced_cal: ExternalCalendar
""" HTML String to display on top of the calendar """ calendar_text: String
""" Calendar timezone """ calendar_timezone: String
""" Call references made for a patient's insurances """ call_references: [CallReference!]
""" If true, has Zus credential """ can_access_zus: Boolean
""" Allow the user to add clients """ can_add_clients: Boolean
""" If the provider can add members """ can_add_members: Boolean
""" If true this user to archive clients """ can_archive_clients: Boolean
""" Allow this user to charge clients """ can_charge_clients: Boolean
""" Allow the user to Check Eligibility """ can_check_eligibility: Boolean
""" If true, the user can delete charting notes """ can_delete_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If true this user to delete faxes """ can_delete_faxes: Boolean
""" If true, the user to edit Appointment Types """ can_edit_appointment_types: Boolean
""" If true, the user can edit brand """ can_edit_brand: Boolean
""" If true, the user can edit client credit """ can_edit_credit: Boolean
""" If true, the user can edit org documents """ can_edit_docs: Boolean
""" If the provider can edit forms """ can_edit_forms: Boolean
""" If the provider can edit members """ can_edit_members: Boolean
""" If true, the user to edit org calendar """ can_edit_org_calendar: Boolean
""" If true, the user can edit packages """ can_edit_packages: Boolean
""" If true, the user can add, edit and delete products """ can_edit_products: Boolean
""" If true, the user can add or remove clients within programs """ can_edit_program_clients: Boolean
""" If true, the user can edit programs """ can_edit_programs: Boolean
""" Allow the user to edit account settings """ can_edit_settings: Boolean
""" If the provider organization can have suborgs """ can_have_suborgs: Boolean
""" If the user can add suborgs """ can_insert_suborgs: Boolean
""" If true, the user can lock other providers charting notes """ can_lock_others_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If true, the user can lock their own charting notes """ can_lock_own_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If the provider can mark tasks that are assigned to other org members as completed """ can_mark_assigned_tasks_to_other_org_members_as_completed: Boolean
""" If true, the user can merge clients """ can_merge_clients: Boolean
""" If true, can order new lab using labs widget """ can_order_labs: Boolean
""" Allow this user to schedule appointments (Linked accounts) """ can_schedule_appointments: Boolean
""" If true, user can see products tab in client profile and see fullscript box on homepage if not linked to fullscript """ can_see_fullscript_tab: Boolean
""" Show insurance info for a client """ can_see_insurance_authorization: Boolean
""" When true, the user should see option to use erx dosespot """ can_see_option_to_use_erx_dosespot: Boolean
""" If true, can view transfer tab in billing page """ can_see_transfers: Boolean
""" If true, the user can sign other providers charting notes """ can_sign_others_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If true, the user can sign their own charting notes """ can_sign_own_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If `true`, the user can unlock charting notes. Always `true` for org owners and providers w/o an org """ can_unlock_charting_notes: Boolean
""" If true, can access to labs widget """ can_view_labs: Boolean
""" If True, the user will be able to add addendums for an other org member locked form answer groups """ can_write_org_addendums: Boolean
""" If true, the user cannot access org settings """ cannot_access_org_member_settings: Boolean
""" If True, the user will not be able to lock form answer groups """ cannot_lock_form_answer_groups: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use can_lock_own_charting_notes instead")
""" Fetch paginated stripe customer accounts with associated errors or soon to expire credit cards """ card_issues_count: Int
""" A JSON object containing validation errors for the patient's CDA file """ cda_validation_errors_json: String
""" The Patient's CDA """ cda_xml(end_date: String, start_date: String): String
""" Hash for Chameleon """ chameleon_hash: String
""" When true, user will be able to check insurance eligibility via Change Healthcare """ change_healthcare_insurance_eligibility_connected: Boolean
""" Clearinghouse/RCM destinations that the user can submit to """ claim_destination_options: [ClaimDestinationIntegration!]
""" Clearstep Connection for the user. If the Shapa integration is enabled, then the Clearstep integration should automatically appear as enabled """ clearstep_connection: ShapaConnection
""" Authorizations allowing access to this user """ client_restriction_authorizations: [ClientRestrictionAuthorization!]
""" Info about how a user was acquired """ client_source: ClientSource
""" Completed Tasks of organization if user has permission, or user if not """ completed_tasks( """ The maximum number of tasks to return """ limit: Int
""" If true, return hidden tasks """ show_hidden: Boolean = false ): [Task!]
""" Whether the user has accepted the lab order waiver """ consented_to_labs: Boolean
""" List of consents required """ consents_required: [String!]
""" course membership scoped by specific course """ course_membership_via_course: CourseMembership
""" All course memberships for this user """ course_memberships: [CourseMembership!]
""" All course memberships for this user """ course_membrships: [CourseMembership!]! @deprecated( reason: "This field has a typo. use User.course_memberships instead" )
""" The date this user created an account """ created_at: String
""" The credit balance of the user """ credit_balance: String
""" The most recent generated summary. Null if no summary has been generated """ current_summary: GeneratedSummary
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" All custom custom emails associated with this user. """ custom_custom_emails: [CustomEmail!]
""" Custom Metric of the user """ custom_metrics: [CustomMetric!]!
""" The default currency for the user """ default_currency: String
""" When set for a client, the provider's Dosespot iFrame will launch into this clinic. When null, the Dosespot iframe will launch into the provider's default clinic. This will error unless the provider is connected to that clinic in Dosespot. Only used for patients. """ default_dosespot_clinic_id: ID
""" Default eligibility check service to use. Nil if none available or if user is a patient """ default_eligibility_check_service: EligibilityCheckService
""" Default external videochat URL for scheduling with this user """ default_external_video_url: String
""" The id of the users default onboarding flow """ default_onboarding_flow: OnboardingFlow
""" The id of the users default onboarding flow """ default_onboarding_flow_id: String
""" Patient's default pharmacy. Only applicable to dosespot users """ default_pharmacy: Pharmacy
""" Default stripe payment card """ default_stripe_customer_detail_id: ID
""" Check that user has no video or audio devices (or both) """ devices_unavailability: Boolean
""" Dexcom Connection for the user """ dexcom_connection: DexcomConnection
""" diagnoses for the user """ diagnoses( """ When true, only unreconciled objects are returned. Otherwise, they are not included """ unreconciled_from_ccda_ingest: Boolean = false ): [Diagnosis!]
""" Dietitian of this user """ dietitian: User
""" The Dietitian ID of the Client """ dietitian_id: String
""" Dismisses a small advertisement about the ability to sync calendars """ dimissed_calendar_prompt: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `dismissed_calendar_prompt` instead")
""" Dismisses a small advertisement about the ability to sync calendars """ dismissed_calendar_prompt: Boolean
""" Dismisses a notice warn about charting note addendum """ dismissed_charting_note_addendum_warning: Boolean
""" If true, do not show fullscript box in provider homepage """ dismissed_fullscript: Boolean
""" Dismisses the warning while insurance eligibility checking should not be shown """ dismissed_insurance_eligibility_warning: Boolean
""" Dismisses the warning while locking a charting note should not be shown """ dismissed_lock_charting_note_warning: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Not used")
""" If true, do not show fullscript box in provider homepage """ dismissed_products_tab: Boolean
""" The Brand that controls the look of the website for the user """ displayed_brand: Brand
""" date of birth of user """ dob: String
""" An ID used for document, course, and conversation sharing """ doc_share_id: String
""" Number of notifications from Dosespot (e-prescriptions) """ dosespot_notification_count: Int
""" Dosespot assigned ID for this patient. nil if the patient is not connected to Dosespot """ dosespot_patient_id: String
""" When true, user has an eligibility checking service connected """ eligibility_checking_connected: Boolean
""" The email of this user """ email: String
""" The erx dosespot role """ erx_dosespot_role: String
""" Amount of money waiting to be paid out, as a float """ estimated_future_payouts: Float
""" Patient cards that have expired (requires can_see_billing for org level patients) """ expired_client_cards_count: Int
""" Patient cards that will expire by next recurring payment (requires can_see_billing for org level patients) """ expiring_client_cards_count: Int
""" Family history conditions for user """ family_history_conditions: [FamilyHistoryCondition!]
""" Fax line request data """ fax_line_request: FaxLineRequest
""" Fax number belonging to the user """ fax_number: String
""" Feature Toggle of the user """ feature_toggle: FeatureToggle
""" Date of the first client entry """ first_client_entry_date: String
""" The first (preferred) name of this user """ first_name: String
""" The first name and last initial of the user """ first_name_last_initial: String
""" Fitbit for the user """ fitbit: Fitbit
""" The number of food entries the user has """ food_entries_count: String
""" All filled out forms for this user """ form_answer_groups: [FormAnswerGroup!]
""" Formatted string of money waiting to be paid out, including currency symbol """ formatted_estimated_future_payouts: String
""" The full legal name of this user """ full_legal_name: String
"The full legal name of this user with preferred name in parentheses. e.g 'Jonathan (Jon) Jones'\n" full_legal_name_with_preferred: String
""" The full name of the user """ full_name: String
""" Fullscript for the user """ fullscript: fullscript
""" Practitioner id for the user's Fullscript account """ fullscript_practitioner_id: String
""" gender of user """ gender: String
""" Gender identity of user (typically nil unless gender field is 'Other') """ gender_identity: String
""" User gender identity code """ gender_identity_code: String
""" id of generated reports folder """ generated_reports_folder_id: String
""" The Number of goals the user has """ goals_count: String
""" The Google Calendar Account for this user. Must be an admin or authenticated as the user to access """ google_calendar: ExternalCalendar
""" Google Fit for the user """ google_fit: GoogleFit
""" The name of the patients user group """ group_name: String
""" When true, the user can see client portal setting in notification contact form """ has_access_to_client_portal_setting_in_notification_contact: Boolean
""" When true, the user can access CMS 1500 content in the CMS 1500 tab """ has_access_to_cms_1500s_content: Boolean
""" When true, the user can see insurance billing automation features """ has_access_to_insurance_billing_automation: Boolean
""" When true, the user can see the connect button to sign up on dosespot on the settings integrations section """ has_access_to_sign_up_on_dosespot: Boolean
""" When true, the user can see the zus megazap component """ has_access_to_zus_megazap_component: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Megazap is now enabled by default, so this is always true" )
""" If true, the user's account can take ACH payments """ has_ach: Boolean
""" True if the user's org has AI Scribe enabled """ has_ai_scribe: Boolean
""" If true, user has at least one entry type to track """ has_any_entry_types: Boolean
""" If the user's organization has API access """ has_api_access: Boolean
""" If true, the user has access to download the mobile app """ has_available_mobile_app: Boolean
""" (Considered public) If true, the user has bookable appts """ has_bookable_appts: Boolean
""" (Considered public) If true, the user has bookable packages """ has_bookable_packages: Boolean
""" Whether the user has CCDA feature available """ has_ccda: Boolean
""" True if the user has change health connection """ has_change_health: Boolean
""" If true, the user has completed their intake forms """ has_completed_intake_forms: Boolean
""" If courses exist for an organization or provider """ has_courses: Boolean
""" If true, the user has created a password """ has_created_password: Boolean
""" Allow the user to change the color of their calendar """ has_custom_color_schemes: Boolean
""" Check if user has any custom food item """ has_custom_food: Boolean
""" Check if user has any created meals """ has_custom_meals: Boolean
""" When true, the user can set scheduling priority levels for providers """ has_custom_scheduling_prioritization: Boolean
""" When true, the user can have custom text for SMS reminders for specific appointment types """ has_custom_text_reminders: Boolean
""" If the user is marked as a developer and can modify webhooks and api keys. """ has_developer_access: Boolean
""" If true, user is a provider with a dosespot account linked """ has_dosespot: Boolean
""" If true, user meets prerequisites to order e-labs. Only supports Vital. """ has_e_labs_access: Boolean
""" If True, the user has enterprise plan """ has_enterprise_plan: Boolean
""" If True, the user has expanded vbc charting fields """ has_expanded_vbc_charting_fields: Boolean
""" True if the user can add external videochat URLs """ has_external_videochat_urls: Boolean
""" TRUE if the patient has not finished form requests or incomplete onboarding items """ has_forms_to_complete: Boolean
""" If true, the user has connected their Fullscript account to Healthie """ has_fullscript: Boolean
""" If true, the user have available appointment slots in future """ has_future_availabilities( """ When passed in, will always make has_future_availabilities return true if the offerings do not have bookable appointment types """ offering_ids: [ID] ): Boolean
""" True if the user has access to goal title links """ has_goal_title_links: Boolean
""" Can the user receive inbound faxes? """ has_inbound_faxing: Boolean
""" Allow this user to access increased branding """ has_increased_branding: Boolean
""" Insurance Pay checks to see if there IS an insurance policy for the client """ has_insurance_pay: Boolean
""" If true, patient's most recent demographic information(phone, dob, location, gender, name) could not be updated in dosespot because information is invalid """ has_invalid_dosespot_info: Boolean
""" True if the user has any lab orders """ has_lab_orders: Boolean
""" Whether users have a lab order from lab_testing_api """ has_lab_testing_api_orders: Boolean
""" If true, user is a provider with a living plate linked """ has_living_plate: Boolean
""" When true, the user can have a custom email sent out when an appointment is marked as no-show """ has_marked_as_no_show_email: Boolean
""" When true, the user can have a custom email sent out when an appointment is marked as rescheduled """ has_marked_as_rescheduled_email: Boolean
""" True if user is able to see conversations of all organization members """ has_org_chat_access: Boolean
""" Check to see if the user has any other active org members """ has_other_org_members: Boolean
""" When true, the user has their own appointment setting """ has_own_appointment_setting: Boolean
""" When true, the user has their own custom emails """ has_own_custom_emails: Boolean
""" When true, the provider can control settings around allow rescheduling past appointments. """ has_past_rescheduling_settings: Boolean
""" Whether or not this user has plus plan and above """ has_plus_or_above_plan: Boolean
""" True if the user has PP features """ has_practice_plus: Boolean
""" Has had payment in the last 30 days """ has_recent_payments: Boolean
""" True if the user has rupa connection """ has_rupa_health: Boolean
""" Self Pay checks to see if there is NOT an insurance policy for the client """ has_self_pay: Boolean
""" If true, user has shared appointment settings with at least one member in org """ has_shared_appt_setting_with_org: Boolean
""" If the provider controls settings around enforcing state licensing restrictions for appointments """ has_state_licensing_restrictions: Boolean
""" If true, suborganization owner has stripe account from the parent organization owner """ has_stripe_id_from_parent_org: Boolean
""" Whether the user has a synced calendar """ has_synced_cal: Boolean
""" When true, the user can set appointment settings for specific appointment types """ has_type_specific_appointment_settings: Boolean
""" Check to see if the user has any user groups """ has_user_groups: Boolean
""" Check to see if the user can switch to another user """ has_user_switch_options: Boolean
""" True if the user is allowed to use Zoom """ has_zoom_access: Boolean
""" Heads Up Health SSO link for user; always returns nil if Heads Up Health add-on is not enabled """ heads_up_health_sso_link: String
""" height of user """ height: Float
""" Displays height percentile for growth charts """ height_percentile: String
""" Displays standard by which height percentile is calculated """ height_percentile_standard: String
""" String of height including units """ height_str: String
""" Hash for Help Scout """ helpscout_hash: String
""" ID of the human """ human_id: ID
""" The unique identifier of the user """ id: ID!
""" A collection of immunizations for this client """ immunizations: [Immunization!]
""" Implantable device users for the user """ implantable_devices_users: [ImplantableDeviceUser!]
""" True if User organization with multiple providers """ in_multiple_providers_org: Boolean
""" If a user is in an org """ in_org( """ Some times we already know the user is an an org when we run the query, so we can just return true """ known_to_be_in_org: Boolean = false ): Boolean @deprecated( reason: "As of Jan 2025, this is always true as users are always in an organization" )
""" Incomplete Tasks of organization if user has permissions, or user if not """ incomplete_tasks( """ The maximum number of tasks to return """ limit: Int
""" If true, return hidden tasks """ show_hidden: Boolean = false ): [Task!]
""" Insurance Authorization for this user """ insurance_authorization: InsuranceAuthorizationType
""" Hash for intercom """ intercom_hash: String @deprecated(reason: "NO LONGER USED")
""" The required but invalid or missing fields required for ordering e-labs; empty string if all fields are present/valid. Only supports Vital. """ invalid_e_labs_fields: String
""" The invite code for the provider """ invite_code: String
""" Get filter string for user invoices """ invoices_filter: String
""" Check if the user is an active provider in an organization """ is_active_provider: Boolean
""" True if chat autoresponding is active """ is_chat_autoresponding: Boolean
""" boolean for if the user has ever logged in to Healthie as a provider """ is_first_time_provider: Boolean
""" If true, the user is in an organization """ is_org: Boolean
""" True if the user an organization admin """ is_org_admin: Boolean
""" If true, the user is in an organization with more than one user """ is_org_with_multiple_users: Boolean
""" the status of whether the user is the owner of their org or not """ is_owner: Boolean
""" the status of whether the user is a patient or not """ is_patient( """ If true, we already know the value and can skip the query """ already_known_value: Boolean ): Boolean
""" Whether a user is a super admin """ is_super_admin: Boolean
""" Whether the user is trialing """ is_trialing: String
""" If the user aware they switched providers on specific login (can only do for current user) """ knows_about_provider: Boolean
""" The client-side Kustomer API Key. (Only applies to specific custom whitelabels) """ kustomer_api_key: String @deprecated(reason: "NO LONGER USED")
""" last date user was active through web or mobile """ last_active: String
""" last date the user was active """ last_activity: String
""" String of the last date the user was active """ last_activity_string: String
""" The User's last active appointment object """ last_app: Appointment
""" the last payment made by client """ last_billing_item: BillingItem
""" id of last conversation """ last_conversation_id: String
""" The last name of this user """ last_name: String
""" last date the user signed in """ last_sign_in_at: String
""" Last time allergy/sensitivity was updated """ last_updated_allergy( """ Category of allergy/sensitivity """ category: String ): AllergySensitivity
""" The last weighing date of the user """ last_weighing_date: String
""" Link to most recent roadmap article on helpscout """ latest_article_link: String
""" Last product roadmap article number """ latest_article_number: Int
""" The legal first name of this user """ legal_name: String
""" license number of user """ license_num: String
""" Graphs to show in line graph form """ line_graph_metric_categories: [String]
""" A collections of users who are in relationship with this client """ linked_relatives: [NotificationContact!]
""" Link automatically signs user into Living plate dashboard without entering login credentials """ living_plate_magic_link: String
""" The address of this user """ location: Location
""" All available locations for the client. """ locations: [Location!]
""" Fetch count of medications for a given patient """ medications_count( """ If true, only return active medications """ active: Boolean
""" The patient ID to fetch medications for """ patient_id: ID ): Int
""" A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000. """ metadata: String
""" The number of metric entries the user has """ metric_entries_count: String
""" The number of mirror entries the user has """ mirror_entries_count: String
""" The amount of money the user owes. If the user is a provider this will return 0 """ money_owed: String
""" All tasks assigned to user """ my_tasks( """ The maximum number of tasks to return """ limit: Int
""" If true, return hidden tasks """ show_hidden: Boolean = false
""" The order to return the tasks in """ order_by: TaskOrderKeys ): [Task!]
""" The full name of the user """ name: String
""" The User's next upcoming active appointment object """ next_app: Appointment
""" The User's next upcoming active appointment date (method) """ next_appointment: String @deprecated(reason: "use next_appt_date instead")
""" The Users next upcoming active appointment date (field) """ next_appt_date: String
""" The next onboarding item that the user has to fill """ next_onboarding_step: OnboardingItem
""" Recurring payment with next upcoming payment date """ next_recurring_payment: RecurringPayment
""" The next step preventing the user from moving forward. nil if user has completed all steps """ next_required_step: String
""" If True, the user has non paid plan """ non_paid: Boolean
""" notification contacts for the user """ notification_contacts: [NotificationContact!]
""" Notification Settings for the user """ notification_setting: NotificationSetting
""" NPI of the user """ npi: String
""" Number of entries for the client """ num_entries: String
""" All offering_coupons associated with this provider. """ offering_coupons: [OfferingCoupon!]
""" All available offerings for the provider. """ offerings: [Offering!]!
""" User onc gender identity """ onc_gender_identity: String
""" The number open payments for the user """ open_payments_count: Int
""" Returns name of the org if exists, otherwise returns full name """ org_name_or_self_name: String
""" The user of the organization token """ organization: Organization
""" The contact email for this users organization """ organization_email: String
""" The organization membership of the user """ organization_membership: OrganizationMembership
""" Single Other ID number for the user """ other_id_number( """ CMS1500 ID """ cms1500_id: ID
""" The ID to filter by """ id: ID
""" If true, only return the last CMS1500 ID """ is_last_cms1500: Boolean ): OtherIdNumber
""" All other id numbers for this user """ other_id_numbers: [OtherIdNumber!]
""" Other organization members. """ other_org_members( """ If true, only return active users """ only_active: Boolean ): [User!]!
""" Other organization members for sharing """ other_org_members_for_sharing: [User!]!
""" The IDs of other care team members for the client """ other_provider_ids: [ID]
""" The Outlook Calendar Account for this user. Must be an admin or authenticated as the user to access """ outlook: ExternalCalendar
""" Status paid for fax """ paid_for_fax_status: String
""" boolean for If a user is a part of the journify organization """ part_of_journify: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "NO LONGER USED.")
""" When true, the user is a patient and has auto submit cms1500 enabled """ patient_has_cms1500_auto_submission_enabled: Boolean
""" All patients associated with this user. """ patients( """ The client IDs to filter by """ client_ids: [ID]
""" If true, only return active users """ only_active: Boolean ): [User!]!
""" The number of all active patients associated with this user. """ patients_count( """ When true, this will only return the number of patients whose primary provider is this user """ only_primary: Boolean ): Int
""" the number of notifications belonging to a patient """ patients_notification_count( """ The types of notifications to exclude """ excluded_types: String ): Int
""" All patients with a credit card on file associated with this user. """ patients_with_cc: [User!]!
""" When true, the user will never be prompted to change their timezone """ permanently_disable_tz_prompt: Boolean
""" The phone number of the user """ phone_number: String
""" Place of service for this user """ place_of_service: PlaceOfService
""" All policies associated with this user """ policies: [Policy!]
""" All policies associated with this user """ policiesOrderAscending: [Policy!]
""" Preferred language based on language code """ preferred_language: String
""" User preferred language code """ preferred_language_code: String
""" Fetch count of prescriptions for a given patient pulled from Dosespot """ prescriptions_count( """ The patient ID to fetch prescriptions for """ patient_id: ID
""" The status of the prescriptions to fetch """ status: String ): Int
""" Displays administrator account as other user account """ pretend_to_be: String
""" The primary ethnicity value based on ethnicity code """ primary_ethnicity: String
""" User primary ethnicity code """ primary_ethnicity_code: String
""" User primary race """ primary_race: String
""" User primary race code """ primary_race_code: String
""" Problems for the user """ problems( """ When true, only unreconciled objects are returned. Otherwise, they are not included """ unreconciled_from_ccda_ingest: Boolean = false ): [Problem]
""" Professions of the user """ professions: [Profession!]
""" Pronouns that the client identifies with """ pronouns: String
""" Provider appointment locations """ provider_appointment_locations: [ProviderAppointmentLocation!]
""" When true, the user is a provider and has auto submit cms1500 enabled """ provider_has_cms1500_auto_submission_enabled: Boolean
""" Restriction authorizations owned by user """ provider_restriction_authorizations: [ClientRestrictionAuthorization!]
""" All providers associated with the client """ providers( """ If true, only return providers that can be scheduled """ can_be_scheduled_with: Boolean ): [User!]
""" Meal Plans from Living Plate """ purchased_meal_plans: [MealPlan!]
""" qualifications of the user """ qualifications: String
""" quicks notes for a given user """ quick_notes: String
""" All reactivation custom emails associated with this user. """ reactivation_emails: [CustomEmail!]
""" unique record identifier for user """ record_identifier: String
""" referrals for the user """ referrals: [Referral!]
""" An array of referring physicians associated to all referrals associated with a client """ referring_physicians: [ReferringPhysician!]
""" NPI of the referring provider """ referring_provider_id: String
""" Name of the referring provider """ referring_provider_name: String
""" NPI of the referring provider """ referring_provider_npi: String
""" The date range filter selections for each report """ reports_date_filter_selection: ReportsDateFilterSelection
""" The number of forms that have been requested for the user """ requested_form_count: Int
""" If true, the user is a patient with required fields to create dosespot patient. If false, then either the provider doesn't have a linked dosespot account, or the patient has all required fields. """ required_dosespot_fields: String
""" User subscription has been inactive and needs to be reactivated before allowing access """ requires_reactivation: Boolean
""" User subscription has been inactive for 91+ days and should receive 7 day trial upon reactivation """ requires_shortened_trial: Boolean
""" If true, patients with sensitive information can only be accessed by creating a restriction authorization """ restricted: Boolean
""" Patient ID on the rupa health """ rupa_patient_id: String
""" Providers with higher priority will be chosen first when availability is generated for self-scheduling. Defaults to 0 """ scheduling_priority: String
""" The secondary ethnicity value based on ethnicity code """ secondary_ethnicity: String
""" User secondary ethnicity code """ secondary_ethnicity_code: String
""" User secondary race """ secondary_race: String
""" User secondary race code """ secondary_race_code: String
""" True if user is up to date with all product roadmap articles """ seen_last_article: Boolean
""" A link that takes a user to set their password. This will return null if the user has set a password, or the authenticated user is not an admin """ set_password_link: String
""" Sex of the user (Stated on ID card for insurance purposes) """ sex: String
""" Sexual orientation of the user """ sexual_orientation: String
""" The sexual orientation code of the user, corresponds to sexual orientation """ sexual_orientation_code: String
""" The sexual orientation value if other """ sexual_orientation_other: String
""" Shapa Connection for the user """ shapa_connection: ShapaConnection
""" An ID that includes the shard the user is on. Matches ID unless user is on a custom shard """ shard_aware_id: ID!
""" Show appointments tab on the sidebar """ show_appointments_tab: Boolean
""" Show "Billing Dropdown" on patient sidebar """ show_billing_dropdown_item: Boolean
""" Show billing tab on the sidebar """ show_billing_tab: Boolean
""" Show brand link in the header """ show_brand_tab: Boolean
""" Allow this user to view care plan (Linked accounts) """ show_care_plan_area: Boolean
""" Show chat tab on the sidebar """ show_chat_tab: Boolean
""" If to show the client credits in the UI """ show_client_appointment_credits: Boolean
""" Show Cms1500s tab on the sidebar """ show_cms1500s_tab: Boolean
""" Show the option to view the dashboard """ show_dashboard: Boolean
""" Show documents tab on the sidebar """ show_documents_tab: Boolean
""" Show education tab on the sidebar """ show_education_tab: Boolean
""" Display DOB next to the name of the client """ show_expanded_label: Boolean
""" Show forms tab on the sidebar """ show_forms_tab: Boolean
""" Allow this user to view goals (Linked accounts) """ show_goals_area: Boolean
""" If true, user will be able to view Grow settings page """ show_grow: Boolean
""" Show "Integrations" option in gear menu """ show_integrations_dropdown_item: Boolean
""" Allow this user to view journal entries (Linked accounts) """ show_journal_entries_area: Boolean
""" Show the organization tab on sidebar """ show_org_tab: Boolean
""" Show packages tab on the sidebar """ show_packages_tab: Boolean
""" Show "Update Payment Methods" option in gear menu """ show_payment_methods_dropdown_item: Boolean
""" Show payments tab on the sidebar """ show_payments_tab: Boolean
""" Show received fax tab on the sidebar """ show_received_fax_tab: Boolean
""" Show reports tab on the sidebar """ show_reports_tab: Boolean
""" Show scheduled tab on the chat page """ show_scheduled_chat_tab: Boolean
""" Show sent fax tab on the sidebar """ show_sent_fax_tab: Boolean
""" Show subscription link in the settings dropdown """ show_subscription_link: Boolean
""" If a user has seen the message blast alert """ show_superbill_org_select: Boolean
""" Show Superbill tab on the sidebar """ show_superbills_tab: Boolean
""" The total number of sidebar notifications to be displayed for the user """ sidebar_notification_count: Int
""" True if the user skipped adding a bank account """ skipped_bank_account: Boolean
""" The status of whether the user has a real email or not """ skipped_email: Boolean
""" Specialties of the user """ specialties: [Specialty!]
""" The SSN of the user """ ssn: String
""" Returns a user state licenses """ state_licenses: [StateLicense!]
""" Stripe Info of the client """ stripe_customer_detail: StripeCustomerDetail
""" Stripe credit cards of the client """ stripe_customer_details: [StripeCustomerDetail!]
""" The stripe id of the user (Used to look up bank account details for provider) """ stripe_id: String
""" ID of account representative in Stripe. Nil if not staff/provider """ stripe_person_id: String
""" Returns the subscription for this user. Nil if not staff/provider """ subscription: SubscriptionInstance
""" Address to use on super bills """ super_bill_address: String
""" Providers location to use on super bills """ super_bill_location: Location
""" Patient location to use on super bills """ super_bill_patient_location: Location
""" Provider's phone number to use on super bills """ super_bill_phone_number: String
""" Other users this account can switch to """ switchable_users: [User!]
""" Number of other users this account can switch to """ switchable_users_count: Int
""" Number of tasks """ tasks_count( """ If true, only count tasks created by others """ only_created_by_others: Boolean = false
""" If true, count hidden tasks """ show_hidden: Boolean = false
""" Type of task to count """ type: String ): Int
""" tax id of user """ tax_id: String
""" The user's timezone """ timezone: String
""" Access token used to access an ICS feed of this users appointment. Nil if user if not a provider. Must be an admin or authenticated as the user to access """ token: String
""" Total active packages credits """ total_active_packages_with_credits: Int
""" Total clients with appointment credits greater than 0 """ total_clients_with_appt_type_credits: Int
""" Total count of the user lab orders objects """ total_lab_orders: Int
""" The authenticated human if an account is masked """ true_human_id: String
""" UI settings for the user (JSON). Internal Healthie Use Only """ ui: JSON
""" The number unconfirmed appointments for the user """ unconfirmed_appointment_count( """ If true, include appointments unconfirmed by clients """ unconfirmed_by_clients: Boolean = false ): Int
""" The number of unseen conversations for the user """ unread_convo_count: Int
""" The number of unscheduled lab orders """ unscheduled_lab_orders_count: Int
""" The number of unseen appointment notifications """ unseen_appt_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen comment notifications """ unseen_comment_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen document notifications """ unseen_document_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen entry notifications """ unseen_entry_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen goal notifications """ unseen_goal_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen note notifications """ unseen_note_notification_count: Int
""" The number of unseen notifications for the user (mobile only) """ unseen_notification_count: Int @deprecated(reason: "use unseen_notifications_count_mobile")
""" The number of unseen notifications for the user (web only) """ unseen_notifications_count: Int
""" The number of unseen notifications for the user (this field only used by mobile) [identical to :unseen_notification_count] """ unseen_notifications_count_mobile: Int
""" The number of unseen payment notifications """ unseen_payment_notification_count: Int
""" Number of unseen bounced notification records """ unseen_sent_notification_records_count: Int
""" All active upcoming appointments of the user """ upcoming_appointments: [Appointment!]
""" All active upcoming payments of the user """ upcoming_payments: [RecurringPayment!]
""" Date user was last updated """ updated_at: String
""" File name of uploaded avatar image """ uploaded_avatar_file_name: String
""" User Group of this user """ user_group: UserGroup
""" The ID of the patient's user group """ user_group_id: String
""" All user groups associated with this provider. """ user_groups( """ If true, will check the OrganizationMembership permission. default: false """ check_group_level_actions: Boolean
""" If provided, only return user groups associated with this course """ course_id: ID
""" Search keywords """ keywords: String
""" Page offset """ offset: Int = 0
""" Enables pagination if true """ should_paginate: Boolean = false ): [UserGroup!]!
""" A number of user groups associated with this provider. """ user_groups_count( """ If true, will check the OrganizationMembership permission. default: false """ check_group_level_actions: Boolean
""" If provided, only return user groups associated with this course """ course_id: ID ): Int!
""" User of who sent this member an invite """ user_who_invited_member: User
""" Verification fields left for the provider to fill out """ verification_fields: [String]
""" The last weight of the user """ weight: String
""" Displays weight percentile for growth charts """ weight_percentile: String
""" Displays standard by which weight percentile is calculated """ weight_percentile_standard: String
""" Withings Connection for the user """ withings_connection: WithingsConnection
""" The number of workout entries the user has """ workout_entries_count: String
""" If user has Zus, returns Zus proxy token """ zus_proxy_token: String}