get appointment locations that the current user can use. (considered public)
· String
· Pass in datetime of the appointment to limit the locations based on room availability appointment_type_id
· ID
· Pass in id of the appointment type to limit the locations based on room availability with_availability
· Boolean
· When true, only locations with associated availabilities are returned.
When false, only locations with no associated availabilities are returned.
Does nothing unless availability by location enabled.
query appointmentLocations( $appointment_date: String $appointment_type_id: ID $ids: [Int] $keywords: String $location_ids: String $org_level: Boolean $provider_id: ID $provider_ids: [ID] $resource: String $with_availability: Boolean) { appointmentLocations( appointment_date: $appointment_date appointment_type_id: $appointment_type_id ids: $ids keywords: $keywords location_ids: $location_ids org_level: $org_level provider_id: $provider_id provider_ids: $provider_ids resource: $resource with_availability: $with_availability ) { clients_can_book has_rooms id location rooms }}