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Autogenerated input type of updateConversation


deprecated DO NOT USE
closed_by_id · ID · The ID of a user closing the conversation
hide_close_confirmation · Boolean · If TRUE, next time a PRovider closes a conversation will not see the warning pop-up about closing the conversation
select_all_status · String · The value of the select all toggle. This overrides simple_added_users and allows you to easily add all of a category to the conversation. Requires simple_added_users to be sent in as well

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Autogenerated input type of updateConversation
input updateConversationInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
The ID of a user closing the conversation
closed_by_id: ID
If TRUE, next time a PRovider closes a conversation will not see the warning pop-up about closing the conversation
hide_close_confirmation: Boolean
id: ID
name: String
The value of the select all toggle. This overrides simple_added_users and allows you to easily add all of a category to the conversation. Requires simple_added_users to be sent in as well
select_all_status: String
simple_added_users: String