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An permission templateType


allow_group_level_actions · Boolean! · required · Allows group level actions (e.g. send group messages in chat, assigning group to course modules, request form completions from group)
allow_self_scheduling_in_care_team · Boolean · If true, clients who this org member has been added as a care team member will be able to schedule appointments with them.
auto_create_convo_for_care_team · Boolean · If true, clients who this org member has been added as a care team member for will automatically see a Chat conversation with this org member.
can_access_calendar_quick_share · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can access calendar quick share
can_access_to_members_chat · Boolean · If true, the user should be able to access other active organization members conversations
can_add_clients · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can add new clients
can_add_members · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can add new people to the organization
can_add_members_to_chat · Boolean · If true, the user should be able to add other active organization members to chat
can_assign_tasks_to_all_org_members · Boolean · If true, the user should be able to assign a task to any member of their organization
can_be_care_team_member · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can be added to the care team members list for a client
can_be_edited · Boolean! · required · If true, the current user can modify this permission template
can_charge_clients · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can charge clients
can_create_tags · Boolean · If true, the user can create tags
can_delete_charting_notes · Boolean! · required · If true, user сan delete charting notes
can_delete_faxes · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can delete faxes
can_edit_appointment_types · Boolean! · required · If true, the user can edit appointment types
can_edit_calendar · Boolean · If true, the user can edit calendar
can_edit_credit · Boolean · If true, the user can edit client credit
can_edit_docs · Boolean · If true, the user can edit documents
can_edit_education · Boolean · If true, the user can edit education content
can_edit_forms · Boolean · If true, the user can edit forms
can_edit_members · Boolean · If true, the user can manage the people and roles in the organization
can_edit_packages · Boolean · If true, the user can edit client packages
can_edit_products · Boolean · If true, the user can add, edit and delete products
can_edit_settings · Boolean · If true, the user can edit settings
can_enroll_clients_to_programs · Boolean · If true, the user can enroll and remove clients from programs
can_lock_others_charting_notes · Boolean · If true, the user can lock charting notes other providers created
can_lock_own_charting_notes · Boolean · If true, the user can lock charting notes they created
can_manage_care_plan_templates · Boolean · If true, the user should be able to manage care plan templates
can_mark_assigned_tasks_to_other_org_members_as_completed · Boolean · If true, can mark tasks complete that are assigned to other org members
can_merge_clients · Boolean · If true, the user can merge clients
can_order_labs · Boolean · If true, view labs page and view patient lab results
can_remove_client · Boolean · If true, the user can remove clients
can_remove_org_member_signatures · Boolean · If true, can remove other org members' signatures from charting notes
can_rename_and_delete_tags · Boolean · If true, the user should be able to rename or delete tags
can_see_billing · Boolean · If true, the user can view the billing tab
can_see_calendar · Boolean · If true, the user can see all calendars in the organization
can_see_clients · Boolean · If true, the user can see all clients in the organization
can_see_docs · Boolean · If true, the user can see documents within the entire org
can_see_faxes · Boolean · If true, the user can see incoming faxes
can_see_fullscript_tab · Boolean · If true user should be able to see fullscript tab in client profile and view fullscript box in homepage
can_see_sent_faxes · Boolean · If true, the user can see sent faxes
can_see_transfers · Boolean · If true, the user can see transfers tab in billing page
can_set_client_password · Boolean · If true, user can set client passwords
can_share_documents_and_folders_with_org_members · Boolean · If true, the user can share documents and folders with organizations members
can_sign_others_charting_notes · Boolean · If true, the user can sign charting notes other providers created
can_sign_own_charting_notes · Boolean · If true, the user can sign charting notes they created
can_submit_cms_1500s_to_office_ally · Boolean · If true, the user can submit CMS 1500s to Office Ally
can_view_all_org_members_tasks · Boolean · If true, it will return all organization tasks for current user
can_view_audit_log · Boolean · If true, the user can access the audit log API query.
can_view_cms1500s · Boolean · If true, the user can view/edit cms1500s
can_view_goal_templates · Boolean · If true can use goal favorites that are shared from other members of the organization
can_view_labs · Boolean · If true, the user can edit appointment types
can_view_org_dashboard · Boolean · If true, the user can view org dashboard
can_view_reports · Boolean · If true, the user can view organization-level reports
can_view_super_bills · Boolean · If true, the user can view/edit super bills
can_write_org_addendums · Boolean · If true, the user can write addendums for other org members charting notes
create_chat_when_assigned · Boolean · If true, a chat conversation will be automatically created when a client is assigned to the member
created_at · String! · required · The date of creation
cursor · Cursor! · required · Pagination cursor
gets_failed_fax_notif · Boolean · If true, the user will receive notif about failed notif
gets_fax_notif · Boolean · If true, the user will receive a fax notif
has_own_branding · Boolean · If true the user will have their own branding
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the template
is_admin · Boolean · If true, the user has been noted as being an admin
is_developer · Boolean · Whether the user is a developer
is_provider · Boolean · Whether the user is a provider in the organization
name · String · Name of template
notify_any_client_activity · Boolean · If true, the user is notified when any client activity including intake forms, journal entries, programs, documents
notify_on_book · Boolean · If true the user is notified when any appointment is booked within the org
notify_on_cancel · Boolean · If true the user is notified when any appointment is cancelled within the org
notify_on_payment_failure · Boolean · If true, user will notified about all failed payments
org_role · String · The organization role
request_eligibility_checks · Boolean · If true, the user can request eligibility checks
sees_all_billing · Boolean · If true, the user will see all org billing, not just individual
sees_all_clients · Boolean · If true, the user will see all org clients, not just individual on clients list page
send_email_on_intake_flow_complete · Boolean · If true, the user receive email notification when any client in the organization completes an intake flow
send_email_on_intake_flow_start · Boolean · If true, the user receive email notification when any client in the organization starts an intake flow
share_appointment_types · Boolean · If true, the user will share appointment types with the entire org
share_custom_metrics · Boolean · If true, the user shares custom metrics with entire org
share_fullscript · Boolean · If true user should uses the same API access token for Fullscript
share_goal_templates · Boolean · If true has their goal favorites available to other members of the organization
share_packages · Boolean · If true, the user shares packages with entire org
share_smart_phrases · Boolean · If true, all active organization members will see shared smart phrases
share_user_groups · Boolean · If true the user will share user groups with the entire org
show_availability_first · Boolean · Show availability in the calendar by default
show_org_tab · Boolean · If true, show org link on left hand side
start_conversation_with · Boolean · If true the clients are able to start a new conversation with the member
updated_at · String · Date when record was last updated
user · User · The user attached to the organization membership

Used By


An permission templateType
type PermissionTemplateType {
Allows group level actions (e.g. send group messages in chat, assigning group to course modules, request form completions from group)
allow_group_level_actions: Boolean!
If true, clients who this org member has been added as a care team member will be able to schedule appointments with them.
allow_self_scheduling_in_care_team: Boolean
If true, clients who this org member has been added as a care team member for will automatically see a Chat conversation with this org member.
auto_create_convo_for_care_team: Boolean
If true, the user can access calendar quick share
can_access_calendar_quick_share: Boolean!
If true, the user should be able to access other active organization members conversations
can_access_to_members_chat: Boolean
If true, the user can add new clients
can_add_clients: Boolean!
If true, the user can add new people to the organization
can_add_members: Boolean!
If true, the user should be able to add other active organization members to chat
can_add_members_to_chat: Boolean
If true, the user should be able to assign a task to any member of their organization
can_assign_tasks_to_all_org_members: Boolean
If true, the user can be added to the care team members list for a client
can_be_care_team_member: Boolean!
If true, the current user can modify this permission template
can_be_edited: Boolean!
If true, the user can charge clients
can_charge_clients: Boolean!
If true, the user can create tags
can_create_tags: Boolean
If true, user сan delete charting notes
can_delete_charting_notes: Boolean!
If true, the user can delete faxes
can_delete_faxes: Boolean!
If true, the user can edit appointment types
can_edit_appointment_types: Boolean!
If true, the user can edit calendar
can_edit_calendar: Boolean
If true, the user can edit client credit
can_edit_credit: Boolean
If true, the user can edit documents
can_edit_docs: Boolean
If true, the user can edit education content
can_edit_education: Boolean
If true, the user can edit forms
can_edit_forms: Boolean
If true, the user can manage the people and roles in the organization
can_edit_members: Boolean
If true, the user can edit client packages
can_edit_packages: Boolean
If true, the user can add, edit and delete products
can_edit_products: Boolean
If true, the user can edit settings
can_edit_settings: Boolean
If true, the user can enroll and remove clients from programs
can_enroll_clients_to_programs: Boolean
If true, the user can lock charting notes other providers created
can_lock_others_charting_notes: Boolean
If true, the user can lock charting notes they created
can_lock_own_charting_notes: Boolean
If true, the user should be able to manage care plan templates
can_manage_care_plan_templates: Boolean
If true, can mark tasks complete that are assigned to other org members
can_mark_assigned_tasks_to_other_org_members_as_completed: Boolean
If true, the user can merge clients
can_merge_clients: Boolean
If true, view labs page and view patient lab results
can_order_labs: Boolean
If true, the user can remove clients
can_remove_client: Boolean
If true, can remove other org members' signatures from charting notes
can_remove_org_member_signatures: Boolean
If true, the user should be able to rename or delete tags
can_rename_and_delete_tags: Boolean
If true, the user can view the billing tab
can_see_billing: Boolean
If true, the user can see all calendars in the organization
can_see_calendar: Boolean
If true, the user can see all clients in the organization
can_see_clients: Boolean
If true, the user can see documents within the entire org
can_see_docs: Boolean
If true, the user can see incoming faxes
can_see_faxes: Boolean
If true user should be able to see fullscript tab in client profile and view fullscript box in homepage
can_see_fullscript_tab: Boolean
If true, the user can see sent faxes
can_see_sent_faxes: Boolean
If true, the user can see transfers tab in billing page
can_see_transfers: Boolean
If true, user can set client passwords
can_set_client_password: Boolean
If true, the user can share documents and folders with organizations members
can_share_documents_and_folders_with_org_members: Boolean
If true, the user can sign charting notes other providers created
can_sign_others_charting_notes: Boolean
If true, the user can sign charting notes they created
can_sign_own_charting_notes: Boolean
If true, the user can submit CMS 1500s to Office Ally
can_submit_cms_1500s_to_office_ally: Boolean
If true, it will return all organization tasks for current user
can_view_all_org_members_tasks: Boolean
If true, the user can access the audit log API query.
can_view_audit_log: Boolean
If true, the user can view/edit cms1500s
can_view_cms1500s: Boolean
If true can use goal favorites that are shared from other members of the organization
can_view_goal_templates: Boolean
If true, the user can edit appointment types
can_view_labs: Boolean
If true, the user can view org dashboard
can_view_org_dashboard: Boolean
If true, the user can view organization-level reports
can_view_reports: Boolean
If true, the user can view/edit super bills
can_view_super_bills: Boolean
If true, the user can write addendums for other org members charting notes
can_write_org_addendums: Boolean
If true, a chat conversation will be automatically created when a client is assigned to the member
create_chat_when_assigned: Boolean
The date of creation
created_at: String!
Pagination cursor
cursor: Cursor!
If true, the user will receive notif about failed notif
gets_failed_fax_notif: Boolean
If true, the user will receive a fax notif
gets_fax_notif: Boolean
If true the user will have their own branding
has_own_branding: Boolean
The unique identifier of the template
id: ID!
If true, the user has been noted as being an admin
is_admin: Boolean
Whether the user is a developer
is_developer: Boolean
Whether the user is a provider in the organization
is_provider: Boolean
Name of template
name: String
If true, the user is notified when any client activity including intake forms, journal entries, programs, documents
notify_any_client_activity: Boolean
If true the user is notified when any appointment is booked within the org
notify_on_book: Boolean
If true the user is notified when any appointment is cancelled within the org
notify_on_cancel: Boolean
If true, user will notified about all failed payments
notify_on_payment_failure: Boolean
The organization role
org_role: String
If true, the user can request eligibility checks
request_eligibility_checks: Boolean
If true, the user will see all org billing, not just individual
sees_all_billing: Boolean
If true, the user will see all org clients, not just individual on clients list page
sees_all_clients: Boolean
If true, the user receive email notification when any client in the organization completes an intake flow
send_email_on_intake_flow_complete: Boolean
If true, the user receive email notification when any client in the organization starts an intake flow
send_email_on_intake_flow_start: Boolean
If true, the user will share appointment types with the entire org
share_appointment_types: Boolean
If true, the user shares custom metrics with entire org
share_custom_metrics: Boolean
If true user should uses the same API access token for Fullscript
share_fullscript: Boolean
If true has their goal favorites available to other members of the organization
share_goal_templates: Boolean
If true, the user shares packages with entire org
share_packages: Boolean
If true, all active organization members will see shared smart phrases
share_smart_phrases: Boolean
If true the user will share user groups with the entire org
share_user_groups: Boolean
Show availability in the calendar by default
show_availability_first: Boolean
If true, show org link on left hand side
show_org_tab: Boolean
If true the clients are able to start a new conversation with the member
start_conversation_with: Boolean
Date when record was last updated
updated_at: String
The user attached to the organization membership
user: User