Appointment Request for a provider waitlist
· AppointmentLocation
· The appointment location requested for the appointment appointment_type
· AppointmentType
· The appointment type requested for the appointment booking_params
· The booking parameters for the appointment request provider_notes
· String
· The notes for the appointment request selected_contact_type
· String
· The contact type selected for the appointment request selected_state
· String
· The state selected for the appointment request Used By
"""Appointment Request for a provider waitlist"""type AppointmentRequestType { """ The appointment location requested for the appointment """ appointment_location: AppointmentLocation
""" The appointment type requested for the appointment """ appointment_type: AppointmentType
""" The booking parameters for the appointment request """ booking_params: JSON
""" The date and time the appointment request was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" The email address of the patient requesting the appointment """ email: String!
""" The first name of the patient requesting the appointment """ first_name: String!
""" The unique identifier of the appointment request """ id: ID!
""" The last name of the patient requesting the appointment """ last_name: String!
""" If there is an existing patient record for the patient requesting the appointment """ patient: User
""" The phone number of the patient requesting the appointment """ phone: String!
""" The provider assigned to the appointment request, if provided """ provider: User
""" The notes for the appointment request """ provider_notes: String
""" The notes for the appointment request """ reason: String!
""" The contact type selected for the appointment request """ selected_contact_type: String
""" The state selected for the appointment request """ selected_state: String
""" The slots for the appointment request """ slots: [AppointmentRequestSlotType!]!
""" The timezone of the patient requesting the appointment """ timezone: String!}