A Course Item
· Boolean
· whether the attached object is a video form blocked_by_prev_item
· Boolean
· Shows if the current course item is blocked by an incomplete previous required item completed_by_client
· Boolean
· Check if course item was completed by a client completed_course_item
· CompletedCourseItem
· The completed course item completed_memberships_count
· Int
· The number of members who completed the item completion_required_for_next_module
· Boolean!
· required · Determines whether or not completion of the course item is necessary to access the next course_name
· String
· name of course that item belongs to custom_module_type
· String
· type of custom module of a course item (if app) date_restricted
· Boolean
· Shows if the current course item is blocked due to course membership date restriction description
· String
· description of item first_incomplete_required_module
· CourseItem
· This is the first required module that is incomplete, and will block items in higher positions has_matrix_field
· Boolean
· Course item has matrix field incomplete_course_item_id
· ID
· The ID of an incomplete form associated with the item next_item
· CourseItem
· The next item in the course not_available_for_client
· Boolean
· Check if course item is available to a client not_available_to_any_clients
· Boolean
· Check if course item is available to any client prev_item
· CourseItem
· The previous item in the course scheduled_release
· String
· scheduled release? Used By
"""A Course Item"""type CourseItem { """ whether the attached object is a video form """ attached_object_is_video: Boolean
""" Shows if the current course item is blocked by an incomplete previous required item """ blocked_by_prev_item( """ Get the completed course item for the given membership and course_item """ course_membership_id: ID ): Boolean
""" category of item """ category: String
""" Check if course item was completed by a client """ completed_by_client( """ The ID of the client """ client_id: ID ): Boolean
""" The completed course item """ completed_course_item( """ Get the completed course item for the given membership and course_item """ course_membership_id: ID ): CompletedCourseItem
""" The number of members who completed the item """ completed_memberships_count: Int
""" Determines whether or not completion of the course item is necessary to access the next """ completion_required_for_next_module: Boolean!
""" The associated course """ course: Course
""" id of course associated with item """ course_id: ID
""" name of course that item belongs to """ course_name: String
""" when item was created """ created_at: String!
""" type of custom module of a course item (if app) """ custom_module_type: String
""" Shows if the current course item is blocked due to course membership date restriction """ date_restricted( """ The ID of a course membership """ course_membership_id: ID ): Boolean
""" description of item """ description: String
""" The path to edit the item """ edit_url: String
""" This is the first required module that is incomplete, and will block items in higher positions """ first_incomplete_required_module: CourseItem
""" Course item has matrix field """ has_matrix_field: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the item """ id: ID!
""" The ID of an incomplete form associated with the item """ incomplete_course_item_id( """ The ID of a course membership """ course_membership_id: ID ): ID
""" id of item """ item_id: ID
""" type of course item """ item_type: String
""" name of item """ name: String
""" The next item in the course """ next_item: CourseItem
""" Check if course item is available to a client """ not_available_for_client( """ The ID of a client """ client_id: ID ): Boolean
""" Check if course item is available to any client """ not_available_to_any_clients: Boolean
""" The position of the course item type when shown in a list of other modules on the same day """ position: Int
""" The previous item in the course """ prev_item: CourseItem
""" scheduled release? """ scheduled_release: String
""" when item was updated """ updated_at: String!
""" id of user associated with item """ user_id: ID
""" The path to view the item """ view_url: String}