a goal template
· String
· description of template from associated goal subgoal_templates
· [GoalTemplate!]
· Subgoal templates for a given template title_link
· String
· Title hyperlink. Opens when the title is clicked on. Used By
"""a goal template"""type GoalTemplate { """ description of template from associated goal """ description: String
""" id of the goal this template was based on """ goal_id: String
""" id of the the relevant goal template """ id: String!
""" is_healthie_default of the the relevant goal template """ is_healthie_default: Boolean!
""" name of template from associated goal """ name: String
""" frequency of template from associated goal """ repeat: String!
""" Subgoal templates for a given template """ subgoal_templates: [GoalTemplate!]
""" Title hyperlink. Opens when the title is clicked on. """ title_link: String
""" user associated with this template """ user: User
""" user who owns this goal template """ user_id: String}