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Autogenerated input type of updateBrand


deprecated DO NOT USE
theme_border_input · HexColor · Whitelabel only
theme_text_sidebar · HexColor · Whitelabel only

Used By


Autogenerated input type of updateBrand
input updateBrandInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
about_description: String
bg_color: String
brand_email: String
brand_name: String
brand_phone: String
contact_description: String
custom_sign_in_path: String
display_embed_title: Boolean
display_name: String
display_package_image: Boolean
email_background_color: String
embed_primary_color: String
facebook: String
font_color: String
id: ID
instagram: String
logo: Upload
selected_color: String
slogan: String
tab_accent_color: String
titles: String
twitter: String
website: String
Whitelabel only
theme_background_primary: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_background_secondary: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_background_hover: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_background_input: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_accent_primary: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_accent_primary_hover: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_border_primary: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_border_input: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_text_sidebar: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_background_sidebar: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_text_sidebar_active: HexColor
Whitelabel only
theme_text_sidebar_tab_bar: HexColor