A custom tag that can be applied on a user
· Int
· The number of active users who have the tag archived_users_count
· Int
· The number of archived users who have the tag org_members_count
· Int
· The number of org members who have the tag tagged_users
· [User!]
· The array of tagged users Used By
"""A custom tag that can be applied on a user"""type Tag { """ The number of active users who have the tag """ active_users_count: Int
""" The name of the user who created the tag """ added_by: String
""" The number of archived users who have the tag """ archived_users_count: Int
""" The time when the tag was created """ created_at: String!
""" The unique identifier of the tag """ id: ID!
""" A human-readable name of the tag """ name: String!
""" The number of org members who have the tag """ org_members_count: Int
""" The array of tagged users """ tagged_users( """ The pagination offset (if pagination required) """ offset: Int
""" Require pagination of tagged users """ should_paginate: Boolean = false ): [User!]
""" The last time the tag was updated """ updated_at: String!
""" The user who created the tag """ user: User}