A Received Direct Message
· Int
· The number of attachments for the received direct message created_at
· String
· The received date of the direct message direct_message_attachments
· [DirectMessageAttachment!]
· Array of direct message attachments listed_recipient
· String
· The listed recipient listed_sender
· String
· The listed sender message_body
· String
· The message body of the direct message Used By
"""A Received Direct Message"""type ReceivedDirectMessage { """ The number of attachments for the received direct message """ attachments_count: Int
""" The XML data contained in the attach CDA file """ cda_xml: String
""" The received date of the direct message """ created_at: String
""" Array of direct message attachments """ direct_message_attachments: [DirectMessageAttachment!]
""" When true, the message has an attached CDA """ has_cda: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the fax """ id: ID!
""" The listed recipient """ listed_recipient: String
""" The listed sender """ listed_sender: String
""" The message body of the direct message """ message_body: String
""" The patient associated with the direct message. Will be nil if the direct message is not associated """ patient: User
""" The subject """ subject: String}