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Autogenerated input type of createExternalCalendar


deprecated DO NOT USE
resource_name · String · Optional. The resource name (sync partner assigned ID) for the sync
add_to_calendar · Boolean · When true, appointments will automatically be pushed to the external calendar
email · String · The email of the Google or Outlook account that is being synced
expiry_date · String · The date and time the token will expire. In ISO8601 format.
external_type · String · The type of External Calendar. Can either be Google or Outlook
pull_from_calendar · Boolean · When true, appointments will automatically be pulled from the external calendar
pulled_in_calendars · [String] · (Only for Google). The calendars to pull in from. Defaults to the primary calendar
refresh_token · String · The refresh token that can be used to generate new access tokens for the sync. This requires whitelabeled calendar sync to be enabled for your account
user_id · ID · The ID of the user to associate the calendar with. Must be an org admin to create an external calendar for a different org user. If nil, defaults to current user

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Autogenerated input type of createExternalCalendar
input createExternalCalendarInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
access_token: String
Optional. The resource name (sync partner assigned ID) for the sync
resource_name: String
When true, appointments will automatically be pushed to the external calendar
add_to_calendar: Boolean = true
The email of the Google or Outlook account that is being synced
email: String
The date and time the token will expire. In ISO8601 format.
expiry_date: String
The type of External Calendar. Can either be Google or Outlook
external_type: String
When true, appointments will automatically be pulled from the external calendar
pull_from_calendar: Boolean = true
(Only for Google). The calendars to pull in from. Defaults to the primary calendar
pulled_in_calendars: [String]
The refresh token that can be used to generate new access tokens for the sync. This requires whitelabeled calendar sync to be enabled for your account
refresh_token: String
token_type: String = "Bearer"
The ID of the user to associate the calendar with. Must be an org admin to create an external calendar for a different org user. If nil, defaults to current user
user_id: ID