A notification
· Entry
· returns the associated entry if type is EntryNotification, otherwise, nil associated_object
· String
· The id of the object associated with the notification creator_user_name
· String
· creator name of this notification link_string
· String
· The full link that the notification goes to other_party
· User
· recipient of this notification other_party_id
· String
· The recipient of the notification Used By
"""A notification"""type Notification { """ returns the associated entry if type is EntryNotification, otherwise, nil """ associated_entry: Entry
""" The id of the object associated with the notification """ associated_object: String
""" The creation time of the notification """ created_at: String!
""" creator name of this notification """ creator_user_name: String
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The unique identifier of the notification """ id: ID!
""" The link that the notification goes to """ link: String
""" The full link that the notification goes to """ link_string: String
""" The message body of the notification """ message: String
""" recipient of this notification """ other_party: User
""" The recipient of the notification """ other_party_id: String
""" This turns to true if the user clicks on the notification """ read: String
""" This turns to true if the user loads the notification """ seen: Boolean!
""" The type of notification """ type: String
""" creator of this notification """ user: User
""" The creator of the notification """ user_id: String}