A food object
· String
· The name of the food creator default_serving_size
· ServingSize
· first serving size of the food object display_name
· String
· The name of the food to display edamam_import_id
· String
· The id of the food in the Edamam database nutrients
· [FoodNutrient!]
· Nutrients of the food object serving_sizes
· [ServingSize!]
· Serving sizes of the food object Used By
"""A food object"""type Food { """ The name of the food creator """ creator_name: String
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" first serving size of the food object """ default_serving_size: ServingSize
""" The name of the food to display """ display_name: String
""" The id of the food in the Edamam database """ edamam_import_id: String
""" Whether the food was imported from the FDC database """ fdc_import: Boolean!
""" The unique identifier of the food """ id: ID!
""" The name of the food """ name: String!
""" Nutrients of the food object """ nutrients: [FoodNutrient!]
""" Serving sizes of the food object """ serving_sizes: [ServingSize!]
""" The ID of the user who created the food """ user_id: String}