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An invoice from stripe as object


add_ons · [StripePlan!] · The list of add-ons applied to the invoice.
applied_balance · StripePlan · The amount of the invoice, as a positive or negative integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or -100 to credit $1.00). The value is multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. If the total is zero, this field will be absent.
base_plan · StripePlan · The base amount of the invoice, not including any discounts, in cents.
credits · [StripePlan!] · The list of credits applied to the invoice.
discount · Discount · The discount applied to the invoice.
id · String! · required · The unique identifier of the invoice
period_end · String · The end of the period the invoice covers.
period_start · String · The start of the period the invoice covers.
total · String · The total amount of the invoice, including all discounts and add-ons.

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An invoice from stripe as object
type StripeInvoice {
The list of add-ons applied to the invoice.
add_ons: [StripePlan!]
The amount of the invoice, as a positive or negative integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or -100 to credit $1.00). The value is multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. If the total is zero, this field will be absent.
applied_balance: StripePlan
The base amount of the invoice, not including any discounts, in cents.
base_plan: StripePlan
The list of credits applied to the invoice.
credits: [StripePlan!]
The discount applied to the invoice.
discount: Discount
The unique identifier of the invoice
id: String!
The end of the period the invoice covers.
period_end: String
The start of the period the invoice covers.
period_start: String
The total amount of the invoice, including all discounts and add-ons.
total: String