Details of the client's credit card
· String
· The type of card indicated by the user. Defaults to personal, Options are 'hsa', 'fsa', and 'personal' expiration
· String
· The expiration date of the card expiring_next_month
· Boolean
· Whether the card is expiring next month source_status
· String
· The status of the payment method source_type
· String
· The type of payment method (either 'Card' or 'Bank Account') Used By
"""Details of the client's credit card"""type StripeCustomerDetail { """ The name of the bank the bank account is with (nil for 'Card' source types) """ bank_type: String
""" The brand of the card """ card_type: String
""" The type of card indicated by the user. Defaults to personal, Options are 'hsa', 'fsa', and 'personal' """ card_type_label: String
""" Stripe card country """ country: String
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The expiration date of the card """ expiration: String
""" Whether the card is expiring next month """ expiring_next_month: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the customer detail object """ id: ID!
""" The last 4 digits of the credit card """ last_four: String
""" The status of the payment method """ source_status: String
""" The type of payment method (either 'Card' or 'Bank Account') """ source_type: String
""" The ID of the client (in Stripe) """ stripe_id: String
""" The client associated with stripe account(in Healthie) """ user: User
""" The ID of the client (in Healthie) """ user_id: String
""" Stripe card address zip """ zip: String}