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Autogenerated input type of updateGoal


deprecated DO NOT USE
due_date · String · The date the goal should end - format should be: yyyy-mm-dd
from_update_form · Boolean · If true, goal was submitted via the update form
program_goal · Boolean · If true, update goal for program
source_template_id · String · The id of goal template used to create this goal
start_on · String · The date the goal should start - format should be: yyyy-mm-dd
title_link · String · Title hyperlink. Opens when the name is clicked on.
use_as_template · Boolean · If true, use this goal as a template(favorite)

Used By


Autogenerated input type of updateGoal
input updateGoalInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
created_user_id: String
description: String
The date the goal should end - format should be: yyyy-mm-dd
due_date: String
If true, goal was submitted via the update form
from_update_form: Boolean
id: String
name: String
If true, update goal for program
program_goal: Boolean
reminder: ReminderInput
repeat: String
The id of goal template used to create this goal
source_template_id: String
The date the goal should start - format should be: yyyy-mm-dd
start_on: String
subgoals: [SubgoalInput]
Title hyperlink. Opens when the name is clicked on.
title_link: String
If true, use this goal as a template(favorite)
use_as_template: Boolean
user_id: String