Payload for a patient
· LocationInput
· The location of the patient policies
· [PolicyInput]
· The list of policies of the patient referring_physicians
· [Cms1500ReferringPhysicianInput]
· The list of referring physicians of the patient full_legal_name_with_preferred
· String
· The full legal name and preferred name of the patient Used By
"""Payload for a patient"""input PatientInput { """ The date of birth of the patient """ dob: String
""" DEPRECATED: The gender of the patient """ gender: String @deprecated(reason: "Deprecated")
""" The ID of the patient """ id: ID
""" The location of the patient """ location: LocationInput
""" The list of policies of the patient """ policies: [PolicyInput]
""" The list of referring physicians of the patient """ referring_physicians: [Cms1500ReferringPhysicianInput]
""" The sex of the patient """ sex: String
""" The social security number of the patient """ ssn: String
""" The full legal name and preferred name of the patient """ full_legal_name_with_preferred: String}